Call for projects Research 2019 of the South Region
A dedicated COMEX is scheduled for January 10, 2019 to arbitrate the laboratory's requests
The aim of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region's call for research projects is to support the development of inter-institutional and interdisciplinary research projects as well as exploratory research projects in the strategic sectors and key technologies defined by the Regional Economic Development, Innovation and Internationalisation Scheme. (See Appendix 3 of the SRDEII). We draw your attention to the interest shown in the projects that fall within this scheme and contribute to the Regional Climate Plan (including the Zero Plastic Target in 2030).
This approach involves launching a single call for projects with three components:
- general part
- exploratory section
- platform component
The calendar: Be careful!! Different calendar between UTLN and AMU
Procedure of the University of Toulon
Applications must be sent to DIREP no later than 18 January 2019 in electronic format at They will be presented to the Research Commission on 7 February 2019 for opinion and classification before being sent to the Region by the DIREP Projects Department, the last deadline being 15 February 2019.
The AAP documents are available on the UTLN website. Do not hesitate to contact the DIREP Projects Department as soon as possible to help you set up your project.
AMU procedure
- From December 7, 2018 to January 14, 2019 : preparation of files by research units in conjunction with campus VRFs
- January 14, 2019 : DEADLINE FOR RETURNING FILES - 1 electronic version signed by the Unit Director (+classification of the laboratory if applicable) to be submitted to the DRV Campus
Information and documents relating to the PAA are available on the AMU website.