The AGIR Pole
Research assistance to integrated management of marine environment
In charge: Thomas Changeux and Sandrine Ruitton
Context and issues
The challenge of sustainable development permeates the whole of society and fundamentally changes the role of scientists in the 21st century (Lubchenco 1998).
In practice, contemporary environmental doctrine, which is at the origin of European texts (UE 2000, UE 2008) and French environmental legislation, is structured around the sequence of "avoiding", "reducing" and "compensating" the impacts of human pressure on the natural environment. The implementation of this sequence encourages public and private actors to question researchers in order to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary to guide their actions.
The impact of anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment is now a global reality for all, from the shores to the high seas and even in deep waters (Halpern et al., 2015). One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015 by the United Nations is "Conserving and sustainably exploiting oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development". The signatory states of international conventions such as Montego Bay (1982), Barcelona (1976) for the Mediterranean, Nouméa (1986) for the South Pacific, or Cartagena (1983) for the Caribbean, are committed to protecting the marine environment and marine resources.
The Interface Pole “Research assistance to integrated management of marine environment" (PI AGIR), a continuation of the AT GIRELLE and ECHANGE of the MIO1 project, aims to :
- identify how the results of fundamental research developed in MIO2 transversal axis can contribute to meet societal demands
- federate research activities around specific identified societal demands.
It thus make the link between the teams and the transversal axis of the MIO2 and the external stake holders: decision-makers (public actors, such as the French Agency for Biodiversity, Water Agencies, and Ministries in France and abroad), private stake holders (such as Altéo, Veolia, TOTAL Foundation, SUEZ), environmental managers (local authorities, national parks, regional parks), partners (GIS Posidonie) and the general public.