International Workshop on Ecosystem-based Management
Dear colleagues,
The ‘species-by-species’, or ‘stock-by-stock’ approach in the case of fisheries, characterized 20th century ecology. The ecosystem-based approach, which in the case of fisheries emerged at the end of the 20th century, represents the 'new frontier', the 21st century revolution in ecology.
GIS Posidonie is proud to announce that an International Workshop on Ecosystem-based Management will be held in Marseille, France, from 4th to 5th of February 2020, Oceanomed, MIO-Pytheas, Campus de Luminy, Aix Marseille University.
According to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Ecosystem-based Approach (EA) should enable us to understand and assess the functioning of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems and their dependent services. As an integrated management process, this strategy promotes both conservation and sustainable use and provides benefits in a more equitable way. First used for fisheries management, the EA has become a valuable tool for ecosystem services assessment and for marine protected areas (MPA) monitoring and governance, especially in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, the perception that man belongs to ecosystems (socio-ecosystems) is a key feature of the EA.
The aim of organising a Workshop on Ecosystem-based Management in Marseille is to bring together managers, stakeholders and the scientific community to discuss this crucial topic within the framework of the Integrated LIFE MarHa project, headed by the French Agency of Biodiversity and set up by the European Union.
The Workshop will be a two-day event, consisting in plenary sessions introduced by key-note speakers and concluded by general discussions. The focus of the sessions has not yet been defined in detail and will depend on the number and the scopes of submitted contributions. But the main topics will include: Ecosystem-based Approach for fisheries management, Ecosystem Services assessment, Ecosystem-based monitoring, Ecosystem-based Approach for MPA management and conservation, Ecosystem-based Approach for terrestrial ecosystems and social-ecosystem-based approach. The International Workshop will focus on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea but could host contributions dealing with any other European ecosystems.
Registration for the Workshop, social dinner, lunch and coffee breaks costs 100 € per participant (50 € for students and GIS Posidonie members).
The languages of the Workshop will be English and French.
Contributors are kindly invited to submit an abstract before the 30th of June 2019, including:
- Title
- Authors and corresponding affiliations
- An abstract of 250 words maximum length text (possibly 1 figure or photo)
- Three to five relevant keywords
- Type of submission: oral communication or poster
The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee.
The deadline for the submission of the full articles will be the 15th January 2020. The article must fit with the following template and addressed to: and
The Proceedings will be edited in a delay of 6 months after the Workshop including articles based on oral communications and posters.
The Organising Committee and the GIS Posidonie team will be happy to welcome you to Marseille, a historic Mediterranean city rich in contrasts, which has gained in interest and modernity over the last decades and is much appreciated by tourists and visitors. We hope that many of you will make the most of this opportunity to come and see us here in Marseille