2nd International Environmental Chemistry Congress
First Announcement
Greetings from Envirochem 2019!
On behalf of Organizing Committee, we would like to solicit your gracious presence 2nd International Environmental Chemistry Congress from 31 October to 03 November 2019 to be held at Antalya, Turkey. The congress is being organized by Turkish Chemical Society which is one of the largest society consist members from all sectors of chemistry science. Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, Water Treatment, Geochemistry, Soil and Agricultural Environmental Chemistry, Resources and Sustainable Materials/Energy, Nature, Sources and Environmental Chemistry of Hazardous Wastes, Waste Minimization, Utilization and Treatment, Toxicological Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Industrial Ecology, Environmental Analysis and Monitoring are the main themes of the congress.
We would be grateful if you take part in the event and share your expertise on the topic with our participants. Your knowledge would be an excellent addition to our program and share for the next generations.
Important Dates
Dates of the Congress October 31 – November 03, 2019
Deadline for Abstract Submission October 01, 2019
Deadline for Early Registration September 02, 2019
Deadline for payments October 07, 2019
Notification of Acceptance Within 30 days after the submission
Invated Speakers
Prof. Dr. Ryszard LOBINSKI
Institute Of Analytical Sciences And Physico-Chemistry For Environment And Materials, FRANCE
Gazi University, Department Of Chemistry, TURKEY
Prof. Nurettin ŞAHİNER
Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Department Of Chemistry, TURKEY
Sofia University, BULGARIA
University Of Athens, GREECE
Prof. Gábor MAASZ
Hungarian Academy Of Science, HUNGARY
Prof. Oleg SHPIGUN
Lomonosov Moscow State University, RUSSIA
Prof. İzzet ÖZTÜRK
Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY
Prof. Mehmet KITIS
Süleyman Demirel University, TURKEY
Prof. Uğur TAMER
Gazi University, TURKEY
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay ERTAŞ
Middle East Technical University (METU), TURKEY
We would be honored if you confirm to take part in the congress.
Best regards,
Prof. Bekir SALİH Chair Hacettepe University
Assoc. Prof. Ali ALKAN Co-Chair Karadeniz Technical University
Assoc. Prof. Ahmet DEMİRAK Co-Chair Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University