First output for the MIDYNET project
The MIDYNET project (CNRS) aims to analyse the dynamics of microplastics in a tidal estuary in order to better understand the exchanges between river and ocean waters. This project is based on a collaboration between the MIO, IPREM and SIAME. The workshop site is the Adour estuary, in the Atlantic Pyrenees. The first release was carried out on June 6, 2019, with the dual objective of testing the experimental protocols and providing a first database during periods of high throughput. Sampling was carried out both on the surface by Manta net and in the water column by pumping. Each sample is doubled, to be analyzed in parallel with the IPREM and the MIO. After optimization of sampling strategies, a second series of measurements is planned during the low water period at the end of September, under conditions of high vertical stratification (salt wedge)
Contact at the MIO: Damien Sous - Senior Lecturer HDR University of Toulon MIO +33 (0)4-94-14-14-21-09