Quantifying nano- & microplastics in the Ocean
Andromeda is a research project developing analysis techniques for quantifying nanoplastics + microplastics and their degradation in the marine environment. Andromeda is one of six approved projects following the 2019 JPI Oceans 2nd Transnational Call for research.
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- To develop in situ techniques and cost-effective measurement methods for improving the efficacy and efficiency of microplastic monitoring,
- To develop new sampling and advanced analysis methodologies that focus on smaller microplastic (< 10 μm) and nanoplastic (< 0.2 μm) particles to enable improved risk assessment of plastic pollution,
- To test and improve lab-based accelerated degradation approaches that mimic natural fragmentation and additive chemical leaching in order to study plastic degradation mechanisms over a reasonable time frame,
- The characterization of microplastic degradation by using advanced analysis techniques such as μFTIR, Raman imaging and SEM-EDX,
- To investigate the influence of parameters such as temperature, pH and hyperbaric pressure on microplastic degradation.