AMU INFO Newsletter from the President of Aix-Marseille University to the whole university community
The academic year is coming to an end, with summer holidays looming in the next few days. This year will have been marked both by many changes - first and foremost by the installation of a new governance - by many successes in the framework of the IAP - financing of the PANORAMA, AMPIRIC, SFRI and IDEA projects - and by our rhythms, deeply shaken by the health crisis. Unfortunately, this crisis is not over. By decree, the wearing of barrier masks is now compulsory for all in enclosed spaces as soon as the distance of one metre cannot be respected between two people. Of course, this instruction concerns our university sites. I am therefore counting on you to apply this civic rule which aims to protect us. You can also rest assured that our teams will remain mobilized this summer. We are preparing the return of our entire community to the classroom for September so that the academic year on AMU can begin in the best possible conditions.
1. Health safety: wearing of masks and hygiene
Since the beginning of this week, the wearing of a barrier mask against COVID-19 is mandatory in France, for any person over 11 years old in enclosed spaces.
On all our sites, the protective mask must therefore be worn, especially during any meeting. We also ask you to ensure that the usual barrier measures are respected:
Respect the distance of one meter between personnel in common areas - or wear the mask.
Avoid groupings
Use soap and paper towels. For the teams concerned, make sure they are available in sufficient quantities,
Air the meeting rooms twice a day for 15 minutes.
At the beginning of the school year, on the teaching premises (lecture theatres, classrooms and tutorials, common areas) the wearing of masks will be made compulsory for all students and teaching staff. Also, everyone will have to come to the site with their mask and wear it. The health of all is at stake. To prepare for this, a communication campaign will be posted in all the premises in September and from the end of July on our networks.
In addition, in addition to the special cleaning already carried out in our offices and common areas, a specific cleaning programme for the teaching premises (classrooms, tutorial and practical work rooms, lecture theatres) will be carried out every morning, including the cleaning of the microphone headsets, desks and teaching tables, as well as the computer equipment used by the teachers in turn. Disinfectant sprays or hydro-alcoholic gel will also be available to teachers near their desks.
You will find via this link our Plan de Reprise des Activités (PRA) updated on page 3 with the sanitary principles applying to the beginning of the school year:
Strict compliance with these health instructions is all the more important as the number of students at the beginning of the school year will be higher than expected. Indeed, the large number of baccalaureate students this year is forcing the universities to increase their capacity and yesterday we decided to welcome in September nearly 400 additional first-time entrants in L1, in various courses.
2. Solidarity actions continue this summer
The food aid distributed to students did not stop with the de-containment. Since April, nearly 2,000 food and hygiene parcels have been offered every week on campus. From July 27th and throughout the summer, the delivery for the same number of students will continue in modified locations:
Two distribution locations for students in central Marseille and the Timone campus:
33 Rue Thubaneau: distribution by UNEF every Tuesday between 3pm and 6pm.
96 Canebière at the CRIJ distribution provided by the FAMI every Thursday between 11am and 1pm
On Saint Jerome the distribution will be carried out by the association on Friday 13 (blancmonique13@yahoo.f) every Saturday from 12 to 2 pm.
On Luminy the distribution will be made by the association Friday 13 ( every Saturday from 11am to 1pm.
On the Schuman campus the distribution will be carried out by the FAMI ( every Thursday from 11am to 1pm.
I would like to thank all those who worked on this solidarity action and I warmly thank in advance the teams who will be working during the summer holidays to ensure the distributions. They are possible thanks to the unfailing help of our partners: the CROUS, the cities of Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, the Conseil Régional Sud PACA and the Prefecture.
As I have mentioned on many occasions, keeping in touch with each other is a priority.
Also, in addition to the distribution of parcels, I remind you that the mobile application Inst'AMU will be this summer