Mediterranean Sea Cluster: Competition Info, AAP and AO
NEW AAP BLUE INNOVATION CHALLENGE to set up demonstrators in the Nice Côte d'Azur metropolitan area (Closing date: 10 September 2020)
With a view to the Assises de l'Economie de la Mer (1-2 December 2020 in Nice), the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis is launching a call for projects to deploy innovative solutions in the maritime and port sector. The winners will be announced at the Assises de l'Economie de la Mer 2020.
This call for projects is aimed at companies (notably start-ups) and associations.
Targeted themes: Renewable marine energies, biotechnologies, maritime safety and surveillance, port management (smart ports), maritime engineering, aquaculture, fisheries and maritime tourism.
The projects selected will have to be part of an environmental protection approach with a high degree of technological innovation. Artificial intelligence projects will be promoted.
Type and nature of aid :
Aid from 30k€ to 50k€ which can represent up to 50% of the total cost of the demonstrator;
One year of hosting and support within the Nice Côte d'Azur European Business and Innovation Center, the Nice Côte d'Azur metropolitan area's business incubator.
Specifications and miscellaneous information on:
Deadline: September 10, 2020
NEW FRIEND for a digital twinning solution (closes September 30, 2020)
The live works of a maritime platform are the underwater part of the structure, as opposed to the "dead works", which refer to everything above the water.
Both of these subassemblies are subject to severe alterations, due to sea conditions that can be very difficult and can go as far as permanently deforming the platform's elastic structure, corrosion, or even simply the accumulation of small organisms, which can have a very strong influence on the platform's performance.
The purpose of this Call for Expression of Interest is to identify, on behalf of 3 major industrial companies, complete integrated solutions with high TRL for inspection in the civil and military fields, allowing "the realization of a 3D digital twin, and the automatic referencing of the structural anomalies detected either in T/R, or in post processing, or between 2 passes (example: mission departure and return), allowing a follow-up in time for an increased predictive maintenance of the live and dead works of a maritime structure".
The expected system must be designed to be used in a completely autonomous way, at sea or at the quayside.
AMI launched by System Factory, to register click here before September 30th.
NEW AAP HORIZON 2020 "GREEN DEAL": opening in September 2020
Nearly €1 billion will be devoted to the Horizon 2020 "Green Deal" call.
Replays of the presentation webinars produced by the French NCPs are available: replay green deal
In addition, the NCPs offer a page exclusively dedicated to this PAA where they list the offers and skills searches: partner search
Remember to get support in submitting your project by contacting the Europe Helpdesk of the Mediterranean Cluster
NEW Opportunity for SMEs looking to raise funds from investors: BTCA webinar for SMEs
The Pôle Mer Méditerranée is a member of the BlueTech Cluster Alliance (BTCA) -
Our partner TMA Blue Tech (San Diego) has set up monthly webinars highlighting innovative SMEs in the sea and water sector.
TMA Blue Tech is currently looking for startups to pitches in the following areas: Big Data / Wastewater / Aquaculture&Biomarine / Marine debris &Plastic cleanup
Information/registration: Fanny MOUTIN
NEW FRIENDLY SOUTHERN REGION: SME and ETI: finance your projects in connection with the 8 strategic sectors in the southern region!
On the occasion of the next COmité d'ingénierie Financière (COFI) on 30 September 2020, and in response to the difficulties caused by the health crisis in their fund-raising process, 10 strategic companies from RIOs are invited to present their financing challenges to a panel of private financiers. At the end, 3 companies will benefit from tailor-made support through risingSUD.
Contact risingSUD:
Specifications and other information: AMI OIR région SUD
For the record...
2nd CPSP-PAA-Regions expected during September 2020.
As a reminder, the PSPC-Regions is the successor of the FUI and allows the financing of collaborative projects (minimum 2 companies and 1 lab).
We don't have the final specifications yet, however it should be quite close to the one of the 1st AAP of which you will find a presentation in PJ.
Start thinking about your application to this window as the closing date may be close to the launch date as was the case in 2019.
We will offer a webinar as soon as the PAA is launched.
AD'OCC member of the Enterprise Europe Network and the Mediterranean Sea Competitiveness Cluster inform you about calls for R&D projects issued by European funding programs. You will find here the information you need to identify calls for projects for your company
European APPs :
Collaborative projects close to the market (Eurostars) Until 03/09/2020
Call for innovative projects EUREKA / Japan Until 10/09/2020
Financing of individual projects Until 07/10/2020
Projects close to the market (Fast Track to Innovation) Until 27/10/2020
Low-carbon technologies, CO2 capture and storage Until 29/10/2020
European Defence Fund (EDIDP) Until 01/12/2020
Other PAAs
International partnerships in innovation Until 10/07/2020
Waste reduction and recovery Until 01/10/2020
Joint laboratories Public research - SMEs / ETIs Until 01/12/2020
Innovation Defence Until 31/12/2020
Reduction of the impact of ship anchors on the Posidonia meadow Until 31/12/2020
Bioeconomy and environmental protection Until 20/01/2021
Circular Economy - Eco-efficiency in Industry, Agriculture and Water Until 20/01/2021
Energy Systems - Sustainable Cities and Territories Until 20/01/2021
Call for projects READYNOV Until 28/02/2021
Research and development projects structuring competitiveness Up to 29/06/2021
Detail and info: here
2020 Fund Truck Tour
The Fundtruck competition is aimed at French companies planning to raise funds in the short or medium term.
Getting on board the financing truck will allow you to pitcher in front of a jury composed of investors and actors of the ecosystem.
The selection is made on the basis of a dossier by Sowefund's analysts. 4 projects per city are selected by Sowefund, one project per city wins the call for votes open for 48 hours.
There will therefore be 5 finalists per metropolis: Nice 12/10, Toulon 12/10, Marseille 12/10.
To be won this year, a prize worth €100,000 (excl. VAT) in the form of a poster campaign on the digital screens of the Médiatransports Group! The finalists will be selected from among the entrepreneurs who have sent in their applications by 28 September using the link:
Launched by NAVAL GROUP's Naval Innovation Hub and SYSTEM FACTORY
To participate, answer the call for projects on the dedicated System Factory website before July 30th.
Innovation Prize 2020 (deadline 4 September 2020)
This year's competition will reward solutions in the following field: innovative solutions/technologies for the countering of swarms of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), specifically on the protection of static and dynamic land facilities and platforms.
The proposed solutions must have the potential to become a European collaborative project involving the use of the solution by several Member States by 2030.
They should contribute to improving the defence capabilities of EU states in the following areas:
The detection and identification of clouds of small UAVs
The interception and neutralization of hostile drones
Reducing collateral damage.
The proposed idea must be new or based on the improvement of existing solutions. The competition is open to all actors, including those not already active in the defence sector (SMEs, universities, research centres).
The winning idea will win a prize of €30,000 and support from the EDA (communication, access to the network of experts).
More information:
Call for CSPP-9 projects (closing 29 June 2021)
The call for PSPC projects n°9 operated by Bpifrance was launched last Friday, June 5 in conjunction with the General Secretariat for Investment within the framework of the Future Investment Program (PIA).
Competitiveness structuring research and development projects (PSPC) are R&D projects conducted by a consortium of industrial and research partners. They correspond to work budgets of more than €4 million and may reach or even exceed €50 million.
In the context of the end of the health crisis, priority is given to projects supported by the Sector Strategic Committees (CSF), as well as projects in the sectors most affected by the crisis.
presentation of the call for projects: (European Defence Industrial Development Programme) - closing date 01 December
As a reminder in PJ all the EDIDP AAPs for the year 2020, and the details of each call via the hypertext link of its reference and in particular for the maritime the following themes:
Coastal radars and passive sensors with associated relevant networks
Integrated solution to improve maritime situational awareness
Defence capabilities supported by artificial intelligence
Multifunctional capabilities, including space-based surveillance and tracking, capable of enhancing maritime awareness (discovering, locating, identifying, classifying and countering threats)
Maritime surveillance generated by sensor networks based on fixed and/or semi-fixed remote controlled platforms
Innovative and forward-looking defence solutions (Special SME)
Enhanced defense diving solutions for detecting, identifying, countering and protecting against underground threats
Solutions to detect, identify, counter and protect against mine threats (including those operating at very high depths)
Solutions to detect, identify, counter and protect against manned, unmanned or autonomous mobile underwater systems (including those operating at very high depths).
Remember to get support in submitting your project by contacting the Europe Helpdesk of the Mediterranean Cluster