Call for applications for ADEME theses - Edition 2022
The Thesis program aims to strengthen research capacities at the national level in the agency's fields of intervention. Since 1992, more than 1,800 students have benefited from this program and have gone on to work as researchers in public institutions, in companies, in the service sector, or even to create their own company. Thus, each year, about fifty thesis projects are selected (and co-financed by ADEME).
The expected thesis projects must involve a candidate, a host laboratory, a thesis director and a co-financing partner (public or private): the amount of ADEME co-financing is 50% of the doctoral student's salary. ADEME is the employer of the doctoral student.
In exceptional cases, ADEME may finance 100% of the student's work (particularly in the human and social sciences).
The priority research areas and questions for which thesis projects are expected for this 2022 edition are specified within the following four thematic research priorities
Preservation and restoration of environments and resources in a context of climate change
Circular economy with a view to resilience
Ecological transition of energy and industrial systems for carbon neutrality
Ecological transition and society
This last priority is dedicated to more cross-cutting issues and to expected work in the human and social sciences in the various thematic fields.
The submission of applications will be possible from the week of January 10 until the closing date indicated on this page.
The deadline for submission of applications is 5 April 2022 at 5:00 pm.
The Thesis Unit is at your disposal to answer all your questions:
Valérie PINEAU (02 41 20 41 17)
Maguy FAVRELIERE (02 41 20 41 47)