CNES Call for Proposals - APR - Scientific research proposals 2025
25 September 2024
This Call for Research Proposals (APR) prepares the CNES space science research program for the year 2025; the call concerns national projects as well as projects from ESA and other agencies. The call will be open from Monday June 3 to Wednesday September 25, 2024.
The APR covers the following activities
- preparatory studies,
- scientific support for space missions under development,
- support for missions in operation, microgravity experiments,
- support for operations,
- experiments on research aircraft,
- ground and analog simulations,
- international calls for tender and missions of opportunity.
The APR does not cover R&T proposals, nor research grants for doctoral and post-doctoral students.
This year, proposals for balloon experiments will not be dealt with in the APR process, due to the timing difference. They will therefore be the subject of a specific process.