Patricia Bonin
There are 4 publications for the year 2023 :
Singlet oxygen-induced alteration of bacteria associated with phytodetritus: effect of bacterial pigments
Authors : Simon Gwénola, Casalot Laurie, Valette Corinne, Burot Christopher, Rontani Jean-François, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Biological mechanisms underlying priming of vascular plant material in the presence of diatoms
Authors : Bonin Patricia, Portas Aurélie, Hardy Julie, Guasco Sophie, Bianchi Ts, Ward Nd, Rontani Jf,Read the publication -
Cellular Damage of Bacteria Attached to Senescent Phytoplankton Cells as a Result of the Transfer of Photochemically Produced Singlet Oxygen: A Review
Authors : Rontani Jean-François, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Singlet oxygen‐induced alteration of bacteria associated with phytodetritus: Effect of irradiance
Authors : Burot Christopher, Bonin Patricia, Simon Gwénola, Casalot Laurie, Rontani Jean‐françois,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2022 :
Dry-Wet Cycles Affect Nitrous Oxide Emissions Across Aquatic-Terrestrial Interfaces: A Mesocosms Study
Authors : Pinto Renata, Weigelhofer Gabriele, Pucher Matthias, Hood-Nowotny Rebecca Clare, Bonin Patricia, Brito António Guerreiro, Hein Thomas,Read the publication -
The role of coupled DNRA-Anammox during nitrate removal in a highly saline lake
Authors : Valiente N., Jirsa F., Hein T., Wanek W., Prommer J., Bonin P., Gómez-Alday J.J.,Read the publication
There are 10 publications for the year 2021 :
Use of Stress Signals of Their Attached Bacteria to Monitor Sympagic Algae Preservation in Canadian Arctic Sediments
Authors : Amiraux Rémi, Bonin Patricia, Christopher Burot, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication -
Evolution of Thermophilic Microbial Communities from a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Chimney under Electrolithoautotrophic Conditions with Nitrate
Authors : Pillot Guillaume, Amin Ali Oulfat, Davidson Sylvain, Shintu Laetitia, Combet-Blanc Yannick, Godfroy Anne, Bonin Patricia, Liebgott Pierre-Pol,Read the publication -
Identification of enriched hyperthermophilic microbial communities from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney under electrolithoautotrophic culture conditions
Authors : Pillot Guillaume, Amin Ali Oulfat, Davidson Sylvain, Shintu Laetitia, Godfroy Anne, Combet-Blanc Yannick, Bonin Patricia, Liebgott Pierre-Pol,Read the publication -
Thriving of hyperthermophilic microbial communities from a deep-sea sulfidic hydrothermal chimney under electrolithoautotrophic conditions with nitrate as electron acceptor
Authors : Pillot G., Davidson S., Shintu L., Tanet L., Combet-Blanc Y., Godfroy A., Bonin Patricia, Liebgott Pierre-Pol,Read the publication -
Similar Methanogenic Shift but Divergent Syntrophic Partners in Anaerobic Digesters Exposed to Direct versus Successive Ammonium Additions
Authors : Hardy Julie, Bonin Patricia, Lazuka Adele, Gonidec Estelle, Guasco Sophie, Valette Corinne, Lacroix Sébastien, Cabrol Léa,Read the publication -
Increasing Hydrostatic Pressure Impacts the Prokaryotic Diversity during Emiliania huxleyi Aggregates Degradation
Authors : Tamburini Christian, Garel Marc, Barani Aude, Boeuf Dominique, Bonin Patricia, Bhairy Nagib, Guasco Sophie, Jacquet Stéphanie, Le Moigne Frédéric A.C., Panagiotopoulos Christos, Riou Virginie, Veloso Sandrine, Santinelli Chiara, Armougom Fabrice,Read the publication -
Benthic oxygen dynamics and implication for the maintenance of chronic hypoxia and ecosystem degradation in the Berre lagoon (France)
Authors : Rigaud Sylvain, Deflandre Bruno, Grenz Christian, Cesbron Florian, Pozzato Lara, Voltz Baptiste, Grémare Antoine, Romero-Ramirez Alicia, Mirleau Pascal, Meulé Samuel, Faure Vincent, Mayot Nicolas, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Pascal Ludovic, Cordier Marie-Ange, Lamarque Bastien, Tenório Márcio, Radakovitch Olivier,Read the publication -
Viability and stress state of bacteria associated with primary production or zooplankton-derived suspended particulate matter in summer along a transect in Baffin Bay (Arctic Ocean)
Authors : Burot Christopher, Amiraux Rémi, Bonin Patricia, Guasco Sophie, Babin Marcel, Joux Fabien, Marie Dominique, Vilgrain Laure, Heipieper Hermann, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication -
Ecosystem maturity modulates greenhouse gases fluxes from artificial lakes
Authors : Colas Fanny, Baudoin Jean-Marc, Bonin Patricia, Cabrol Léa, Daufresne Martin, Lassus Rémy, Cucherousset Julien,Read the publication -
Bacterial diversity and lipid biomarkers in sea ice and sinking particulate organic material during the melt season in the Canadian Arctic
Authors : Amiraux Rémi, Rontani Jean-Francois, Armougom Fabrice, Frouin Eléonore, Babin Marcel, Artigue Lise, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication
There are 5 publications for the year 2020 :
Stress factors resulting from the Arctic vernal sea-ice melt
Authors : Amiraux Rémi, Burot Christopher, Bonin Patricia, Massé Guillaume, Guasco Sophie, Babin Marcel, Vaultier Frederic, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication -
Electrotrophy as potential primary metabolism for colonization of conductive surfaces in deep-sea hydrothermal chimneys
Authors : Pillot Guillaume, Davidson Sylvain, Shintu Laetitia, Amin Oulfat, Godfroy Anne, Combet-Blanc Yannick, Bonin Patricia, Liebgott Pierre-Pol,Read the publication -
Meta-omics Provides Insights into the Impact of Hydrocarbon Contamination on Microbial Mat Functioning
Authors : Aubé Johanne, Senin Pavel, Bonin Patricia, Pringault Olivier, Jeziorski Céline, Bouchez Olivier, Klopp Christophe, Guyoneaud Remy, Goñi Marisol,Read the publication -
Oxygen and light determine the pathways of nitrate reduction in a highly saline lake
Authors : Valiente Nicolás, Jirsa Franz, Hein Thomas, Wanek Wolfgang, Bonin Patricia, José Gómez-Alday Juan,Read the publication -
Stress factors resulting from the Arctic vernal sea-ice melt: Impact on the viability of bacterial communities associated with sympagic algae
Authors : Amiraux Rémi, Burot Christopher, Bonin Patricia, Massé Guillaume, Guasco Sophie, Babin Marcel, Vaultier Frederic, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2019 :
Enhanced biotic degradation of terrestrial POM in an estuarine salinity gradient: interactive effects of organic matter pools and changes of bacterial communities
Authors : Bonin P., Prime Ah, Galeron Ma, Guasco S, Rontani Jf,Read the publication -
Pressure-Retaining Sampler and High-Pressure Systems to Study Deep-Sea Microbes Under in situ Conditions
Authors : Garel Marc, Bonin Patricia, Martini Severine, Guasco Sophie, Roumagnac Marie, Bhairy Nagib, Armougom Fabrice, Tamburini Christian,Read the publication -
Enhancement of biotic degradation of terrestrial particulate organic matter in an estuarine salinity gradient: Interactive effects of organic matter pools and changes of bacterial communities.
Authors : Bonin Patricia, Prime Anne-Hélène, Galeron Mairie-Aimée, Guasco Sophie, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2018 :
The nature of electron acceptor (MnIV/NO3) triggers differential expression of genes associated with stress and ammonium limitation responses in Shewanella algae C6G3
Authors : Aigle Axel, Bonin Patricia, -Nunez Nicolas Fernandez, Loriod Béatrice B., Guasco Sophie, Bergon Aurélie, Armougom Fabrice, Iobbi-Nivol Chantal, Imbert Jean, Michotey Valerie,Read the publication -
Salinity shifts in marine sediment: Importance of number of fluctuation rather than their intensities on bacterial denitrifying community
Authors : Zaghmouri Imen, Michotey Valerie, Armougom Fabrice, Guasco Sophie, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Evolutionary success of prokaryotes
Authors : Bertrand J.C., Bonin P., Ollivier Bernard, Alain K., Godfroy A., Pradel Nathalie, Normand P.,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2017 :
Monitoring photo-oxidative and salinity-induced bacterial stress in the Canadian Arctic using specific lipid tracers
Authors : Amiraux Remi, Belt Simon, Vaultier Frederic, Galindo Virginie, Gosselin Michel, Bonin Patricia, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication -
Assessment of oil weathering and impact in mangrove ecosystem: PRISME Experiment.
Authors : Jézéquel Ronan, Duboscq Karine, Sylvi Léa, Michaud Emma, Ferriz Lise Millera, Roic Enora, Duran Robert, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Gilbert Franck, Tedetti Marc, Militon Cécile, Cuny Philippe,Read the publication -
Physiological and transcriptional approaches reveal connection between nitrogen and manganese cycles in Shewanella algae C6G3
Authors : Aigle Axel, Bonin Patricia, Iobbi-Nivol Chantal, Méjean Vincent, Michotey Valerie,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 2016 :
Bacteria as part of bioluminescence emission at the deep ANTARES station (North-Western Mediterranean Sea) during a one-year survey
Authors : Martini Severine, Michotey Valerie, Casalot Laurie, Bonin Patricia, Guasco Sophie, Garel Marc, Tamburini Christian,Read the publication -
Denitrification activity in mangrove sediments varies with associated vegetation
Authors : Fernandes Sheryl Oliveira, Dutta Pinky, Gonsalves Maria-Judith, Bonin Patricia, Lokabharathi P. A.,Read the publication -
The impact of long-term hydrocarbon exposure on the structure, activity, and biogeochemical functioning of microbial mats
Authors : Aubé Johanne, Senin Pavel, Pringault Olivier, Bonin Patricia, Deflandre Bruno, Bouchez Olivier, Bru Noëlle, Biritxinaga-Etchart Edurne, Klopp Christophe, Guyoneaud Remy, Goñi Marisol,Read the publication -
Metatranscriptomes of oil-contaminated marine coastal sediment affected by oil addition and/or by the bioturbating activity of the marine polychaete Hediste diversicolor: Who are the microbial players?
Authors : Militon Cécile, Atkinson Alexandre, Michotey Valerie, Jeziorski Celine, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Duran Robert, Bonin Patricia, Cuny Philippe,Read the publication -
Coupling of bacterial nitrification with denitrification and anammox supports N removal in intertidal sediments (Arcachon Bay, France)
Authors : Fernandes Sheryl, Javanaud Cedric, Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Anschutz Pierre, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Fate and Impact of Oil in Mangrove Ecosystem PRISME Experiment
Authors : Jézéquel Ronan, Duboscq Karine, Sylvi Lea, Michaud Emma, Ferriz Lise Millera, Duran Robert, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Franck Gilbert, Tedetti Marc, Militon Cécile, Cuny Philippe,Read the publication
There are 14 publications for the year 2015 :
Microbial ecology of hydrocarbon-polluted coastal sediments.
Authors : Duran Robert, Cuny Philippe, Bonin Patricia, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana,Read the publication -
Molecular and biochemical characterization of mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase from the model brown alga Ectocarpus sp.
Authors : Bonin Patricia, Groisillier Agnès, Raimbault Alice, Guibert Anaïs, Boyen Catherine, Tonon Thierry,Read the publication -
Dynamic of bacterial communities attached to lightened phytodetritus
Authors : Petit Morgan, Bonin Patricia, Amiraux Remi, Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Armitano Joshua, Jourlin-Castelli Cécile, Vaultier Frederic, Méjean Vincent, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication -
Environmental microbiology as a mosaic of explored ecosystems and issues
Authors : Faure Denis, Bonin Patricia, Duran Robert, Amato Pierre, Arsene-Ploetze Florence, Auguet Jean-Christophe, Legrand Bernard, Bertin Philippe N., Bettarel Yvan, Bigot-Clivot Aurélie, Blot Nicolas, Blouin Manuel, Bormans Myriam, Bouvy Marc, Bruneel Odile, Cébron Aurélie, Christaki Urania, Couée Ivan, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Danger Michael, de Lorgeril Julien, Desdevises Yves, Dessaux Yves, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Duprat Élodie, Erauso Gaël, Haichar Feth El Zahar, Fouilland Éric, Francez Andre-Jean, Fromin Nathalie, Geffard Alain, Ghiglione Jean-François, Huguet Arnaud, Grossi Vincent, Guizien Katell, Jardillier Ludwig, Jouquet Pascal, Joux Fabien, Kaisermann Aurore, Kaltz Oliver, Lata Jean-Christophe, Lecerf Antoine, Leyval Corinne, Luis Patricia, Masseret Estelle, Niboyet Audrey, Normand Philippe, Plewniak Frédéric, Poly Franck, Prado Soizic, Quaiser Achim, Ratet Pascal, Richaume Agnès, Rolland Jean-Luc, Rols Jean-Luc, Rontani Jf, Rossi Francesca, Sablé Sophie, Sivadon P, Soudant Philippe, Tamburini Christian, Tribollet Aline, Valiente Moro Claire, van Wambeke France, Vandenkoornhuyse Philippe, Vuilleumier Stéphane, Vandenkoornhuyse Philippe,Read the publication -
Environmental microbiology reveals the Earth secret life
Authors : Faure Denis, Bonin Patricia, Duran Robert,Read the publication -
Draft-genome sequence of Shewanella algae strain C6G3
Authors : Aigle Axel, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Ecological significance of Synergistetes in the biological treatment of tuna cooking wastewater by an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor.
Authors : Militon Cécile, Hamdi Olfa, Michotey Valerie, Fardeau Marie-Laure, Ollivier Bernard, Bouallagui Hassib, Hamdi Moktar, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Biogeochemical Cycles
Authors : Bertrand Jean-Claude, Bonin Patricia, Caumette Pierre, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Grégori Gérald, Guyoneaud Remy, Le Roux Xavier, Matheron Robert, Poly Franck,Read the publication -
Use of dispersant in mudflat oil-contaminated sediment: behavior and effects of dispersed oil on micro- and macrobenthos.
Authors : Cuny Philippe, Gilbert Franck, Militon Cécile, Stora Georges, Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Duboscq Karine, Cagnon Christine, Jézéquel Ronan, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Duran Robert,Read the publication -
Effect of physical sediments reworking on hydrocarbon degradation and bacterial community structure in marine coastal sediments.
Authors : Duran Robert, Bonin Patricia, Jezequel Ronan, Dubosc Karine, Gassie Claire, Terrisse Fanny, Abella Justine, Cagnon Christine, Militon Cécile, Michotey Valerie, Gilbert Franck, Cuny Philippe, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana,Read the publication -
Anaerobic nitrification-denitrification mediated by Mn-oxides in meso-tidal sediments: Implications for N-2 and N2O production
Authors : Fernandes Sheryl, Javanaud Cedric, Aigle Axel, Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Deborde Jonathan, Deflandre Bruno, Anschutz Pierre, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Aminobacterium thunnarium sp. nov., a mesophilic, amino acid-degrading bacterium isolated from an anaerobic sludge digester, pertaining to the phylum Synergistetes.
Authors : Hamdi Olfa, Ben Hania Wajdi, Postec Anne, Bouallagui Hassib, Hamdi Moktar, Bonin Patricia, Ollivier Bernard, Fardeau Marie-Laure,Read the publication -
Substrates specialization in lipid compounds and hydrocarbons of Marinobacter genus.
Authors : Bonin Patricia, Vieira Christophe, Grimaud Régis, Militon Cécile, Cuny Philippe, Lima Oscar, Guasco Sophie, Brussaard Corina P D, Michotey Valerie,Read the publication -
Complete genome sequence of a new member of the Marseilleviridae recovered from the Brackish submarine spring in the Cassis Port-Miou Calanque, France
Authors : Doutre Gabriel, Arfib Bruno, Rochette Pierre, Claverie Jean-Michel, Bonin Patricia, Abergel Chantal,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2014 :
Etude du métabolisme du mannitol chez l'algue brune modèle Ectocarpus siliculosus : caractérisation de l'enzyme clé mannitol-1-phosphate déshydrogénase.
Authors : Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Mannitol metabolism in brown algae involves a new phosphatase family.
Authors : Groisillier Agnès, Shao Zhanru, Michel Gurvan, Goulitquer Sophie, Bonin Patricia, Krahulec Stefan, Nidetzky Bernd, Duan Delin, Boyen Catherine, Tonon Thierry,Read the publication -
Bacterial diversity in relatively pristine and anthropogenically-influenced mangrove ecosystems (Goa, India).
Authors : Fernandes Sheryl, Kirchman David L, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Lokabharathi P A,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2013 :
Denitrification activity is closely linked to the total ambient Fe concentration in mangrove sediments of Goa, India
Authors : Fernandes S, Gonsalves M, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Lokabharathi P,Read the publication -
Trends in salinity and inorganic nitrogen compounds in the Berre lagoon (1994-2011) bacterial activities and nitrogen budgets
Authors : Zaghmouri Imen, Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Raimbault Patrick, Garcia Nicole, Bernard Guillaume, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Anaerobic bacterial degradation of pristenes and phytenes in marine sediments does not lead to pristane and phytane during early diagenesis
Authors : Rontani Jean-Francois, Bonin Patricia, Guasco Sophie, Vaultier Frederic, Volkman John K.,Read the publication
There are 8 publications for the year 2012 :
Spatio-temporal diversity of free-living and particle-attached prokaryotes in the tropical lagoon of Ahe atoll (Tuamotu Archipelago) and its surrounding oceanic waters
Authors : Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Boeuf Dominique, Morezzi Nicola, Durieu Brice, Charpy Loïc, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Systems biology approaches at cellular level in the model organism Ectocarpus siliculosus to better understand brown algal physiology
Authors : Tonon Thierry, Bonin Patricia, Prigent Sylvain, Shao Z., Groisillier Agnès, Rousvoal Sylvie, Goulitquer Sophie, Bourdon Jérémie, Eveillard Damien, Boyen Catherine, Siegel Anne,Read the publication -
Genome sequence of the marine bacterium Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17, which forms biofilms on hydrophobic organic compounds
Authors : Grimaud R., Ghiglione J.-F., Cagnon Christine, Lauga Béatrice, Vaysse P.-J., Rodriguez-Blanco A., Mangenot S., Cruveiller S., Barbe Valérie, Duran Robert, Wu L.-F., Talla E., Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valerie,Read the publication -
Desulfosoma profundi sp nov., a thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from a deep terrestrial geothermal spring in France
Authors : Gregoire Patrick, Fardeau Marie Laure, Guasco Sophie, Lagiere Joel, Cambar Jean, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Ollivier Bernard,Read the publication -
Nitrogen-limited mangrove ecosystems conserve N through dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium
Authors : Fernandes Sheryl, Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valerie, Garcia Nicole, Lokabharathi P. A.,Read the publication -
Les cycles biogéochimiques.
Authors : Bertrand J.C., Bonin P., Caumette Pierre, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Gregorio Georges, Guyoneaud Remy, Leroux Xavier, Matheron Robert, Poly Franck,Read the publication -
Mimicking floodplain reconnection and disconnection using 15N mesocosm incubations
Authors : Welti N., Bondar-Kunze E., Mair M., Bonin Patricia, Wanek W., Pinay Gilles, Hein T.,Read the publication -
Denitrification prevails over anammox in tropical mangrove sediments (Goa, India)
Authors : Fernandes Sheryl, Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Bonin Patricia, Bharathi P. A. Loka,Read the publication
There are 6 publications for the year 2011 :
Isolation and characterization of Thermanaerothrix daxensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic anaerobic bacterium pertaining to the phylum "Chloroflexi", isolated from a deep hot aquifer in the Aquitaine Basin.
Authors : Gregoire Patrick, Fardeau Marie Laure, Joseph Manon, Guasco Sophie, Hamaide F, Biasutti S, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Ollivier Bernard,Read the publication -
Quantification des activités du cycle de l'azote dans des sédiments soumis à des apports d'eau douce: impact sur l'état d'eutrophisation de l'écosystème
Authors : Zaghmouri Imen, Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valerie,Read the publication -
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation mediated by Mn-oxides: from sediment to strain level
Authors : Javanaud Cedric, Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Garcia Nicole, Anschutz Pierre, Canton Mathieu, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Caldilinea tarbellica sp nov., a filamentous, thermophilic, anaerobic bacterium isolated from a deep hot aquifer in the Aquitaine Basin
Authors : Gregoire Patrick, Bohli Malek, Cayol Jean Luc, Bartoli Manon, Guasco Sophie, Dubourg Karine, Cambar Jean, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Fardeau Marie Laure, Ollivier Bernard,Read the publication -
Isolation and characterization of Thermanaerothrix daxensis gen. nov., sp nov., a thermophilic anaerobic bacterium pertaining to the phylum "Chloroflexi", isolated from a deep hot aquifer in the Aquitaine Basin
Authors : Gregoire Patrick, Fardeau Marie Laure, Bartoli Manon, Guasco Sophie, Hamaide Francette, Biasutti Sandra, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia, Ollivier Bernard,Read the publication -
Les cycles géochimiques. Chapitre 14
Authors : Bertrand Jean-Claude, Bonin Patricia, Caumette Pierre, Gattuso Jean-Pierre, Grégori Gérald, Guyoneaud Remy, Le Roux Xavier, Matheron Robert, Poly Franck,Read the publication
There are 4 publications for the year 2010 :
Denitrification : An important Pathway for Nitrous Oxide Production in Tropical Mangrove Sediments (Goa, India)
Authors : Oliveira Fernandes Sheryl, Loka Bharathi P.A., Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valerie,Read the publication -
Potential alteration of UK37 paleothermometer due to selective degradation of alkenones by marine bacteria isolated from the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi
Authors : Zabeti Nathalie, Bonin Patricia, Volkmann John Kingston, Jameson Ian D., Guasco Sophie, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication -
Fatty acid composition of bacterial strains associated with living cells of the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi
Authors : Zabeti Nathalie, Bonin Patricia, Volkman John K., Guasco Sophie, Rontani Jean-Francois,Read the publication -
Caldinitratiruptor microaerophilus, gen.nov., sp. nov. isolated from a French hot spring (Chaudes-Aigues, Massif Central) : a novel cultivated facultative microaerophilic anaerobic thermophile pertaining to the Symbiobacterium branch within the Firmicutes
Authors : Fardeau Marie-Laure, Barsotti Vanessa, Cayol Jean-Luc, Guasco Sophie, Michotey Valerie, Joseph Manon, Bonin Patricia, Ollivier Bernard,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2009 :
Formation of pristane from a-tocopherol under simulated anoxic sedimentary conditions : A combination of biotic and abiotic degradative processes
Authors : Rontani Jean-Francois, Nassiry Mina, Michotey Valerie, Guasco Sophie, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Seasonal variation in di-nitrogen fluxes and associated processes (denitrification, anammox and nitrogen fixation) in sediment subject to shellfish farming influences
Authors : Minjeaud Laura, Michotey Valerie, Garcia Nicole, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2008 :
Nitrogen fluxes from marine sediments : quantification of the associated co-occurring bacterial processes
Authors : Minjeaud Laura, Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valerie,Read the publication -
Aerobic metabolism of vitamin E by marine bacteria : interaction with free radical oxidation (autoxidation) processes
Authors : Rontani Jean-Francois, Nassiry Mina, Guasco Sophie, Mouzdahir Abdelkrim, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Degradation of alkenones by aerobic heterotrophic bacteria : Selective or not ?
Authors : Rontani Jean-Francois, Harji Ranjita, Guasco Sophie, Prahl F.G., Volkman John K., Bhosle Narayan B., Bonin Patricia,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 2007 :
Seasonal and diel distributions of denitrifying and bacterial communities in a hypersaline microbial mat (Camargue, France)
Authors : Desnues Christelle, Michotey Valerie, Wieland Andrea, Zhizang Cui, Fourçans Aude, Duran Robert, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2006 :
Nitrogen budget in a microbial mat of Camargue (South of France)
Authors : Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valerie,Read the publication -
Experimental and field evidence for thiyl radical-induced stereomutation of alkenones and other lipids in sediments and seawater
Authors : Rontani Jean-Francois, Bonin Patricia, Prahl F.G., Jameson Ian D., Volkman John K.,Read the publication
There are 2 publications for the year 2005 :
Molecular, Biochemical, and Physiological Approaches for Understanding the Ecology of Denitrification
Authors : Goréguès Christelle, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Molecular, Biochemical and Physiological Approaches for Understanding the Ecology of Denitrification
Authors : Goregues Christèle, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 2004 :
Isolation of hydrocarbonoclastic denitrifying bacteria from berre microbial mats
Authors : Goréguès Christelle, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Isolation of hydrocarbonoclastic denitrifying bacteria from berre microbial mats
Authors : Goregues C, Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
The anaerobic hydrocarbon biodegrading bacteria: An overview
Authors : Bonin Patricia, Michotey Valerie, Cravo-Laureau Cristiana, Hirschler-Réa Agnès,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 1999 :
The influence of nitrate and carbon inputs on the end products of bacterial nitrate dissimilation in marine sediment
Authors : Bonin P., Omnes P., Chalamet A.,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 1998 :
Simultaneous occurrence of denitrification and nitrate ammonification in sediments of the French Mediterranean Coast
Authors : Bonin P., Omnes P., Chalamet Alain,Read the publication
There are 3 publications for the year 1997 :
Hydrocarbon influence on denitrification in bioturbated Mediterranean coastal sediments
Authors : Gilbert Franck, Stora Georges, Bonin Patricia, Ledréau Yveline, Mille Gilbert, Bertrand Jean-Claude,Read the publication -
Evidence for anaerobic bacterial processes in the water column: denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate ammonification in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Authors : Michotey Valerie, Bonin Patricia,Read the publication -
Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one by a denitrifying bacterium isolated from marine sediments
Authors : Rontani Jean-Francois, Gilewicz Mj, Michotey Valerie, Zheng Tl, Bonin Patricia, Bertrand Jean Claude,Read the publication
There is 1 publications for the year 1992 :
Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new, extremely halotolerant, hydrocarbon-degrading marine bacterium.
Authors : Gauthier Michel J., Lafay Bénédicte, Christen Richard, Fernandez Luis, Acquaviva M., Bonin Patricia, Bertrand Jean-Claude,Read the publication
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