1st Annual MIO Doctoral Students' Day, organized in Luminy
This first annual Doctoral Students' Day was organized on April 5, 2023 to allow the young researchers of the MIO to present their research work.
It is also a privileged moment to gather the staff of the unit (scientific and administrative) in a studious and convivial atmosphere.
After the introductory speech of the MIO management, Gérald Grégori, DU Adjoint, the presentations of our PhD students' thesis topics took place all morning.
The afternoon was devoted to poster presentations and informal scientific discussions.
Here is the detailed program :
Présentations (Amphithéâtre Océanomed, 9h – 12h30)
9h - Arthur Coët – Dynamics and architecture of diazotroph particle colonization
Diazotrophs, marine particles, NCDs, Nitrogen fixation, microscopy
9h15 - Khadija Blaiech – Optimisation et modélisation de la production de biohydrogène
par un bioprocédé bi-étagé thermophile par fermentation obscure et bioélectrochimie
Système bi-étagé, biohydrogène, fermentation obscure, extrêmophile, pile a électrolyse microbienne, modélisation
9h30 - Natalia Torres-Rodriguez – Mercury in hydrothermal vents
Mercury, hydrothermal vents
9h45 - Alba Filella – Diazotroph interactions with Dissolved Organic Matter:
metabolic plasticity in current and future ocean
Diazotroph, dissolved organic matter, osmotrophy, climate change
10h - Aina Astorch-Cardona – Influence des variations environnementales sur la
dynamique des communautés dans les tapis marins riches en fer
Iron-rich microbial mats, microbial communities, environmental variations, temporal evolution, EMSO-Azores, Lucky
Strike Hydrothermal Field, spatial comparison
10h15 - Rabja Popall – Metabolic traits of hydrogenotrophic microbial communities
driven by serpentinization, Prony Bay, New Caledonia
Serpentinization, alkaliphile, chemosynthesis, hydrogenotrophy, alkaline hydrothermal vent, origin of life
10h30 - Chloé Jariel – Dynamique et comportement biogéochimique des Eléments
Technologiques Critiques (TCE) au sein des écosystèmes côtiers (DYSCOTEC)
Contaminants émergents, Éléments Technologiques Critiques, cycle biogéochimique, spéciation, biodisponibilité,
écosystèmes marins
COFFEE BREAK : 10h45 - 11h
Programme du jour – Program of the day
Journée des Doctorants 1ère Edition – PhD Students’ Day 1st Edition
11h - Flora Drouet – Trophic interactions and transfers of contaminants through the
planktonic continuum: a focus on the case of mercury
Planktonic continuum, mercury, trophic transfers, metallic contaminants
11h15 - Federico Fabbri – Marine spatial planning off the coast of a large city: how to
integrate social and ecological dimensions to serve a real objective of sustainability?
Planification de l'espace maritime, PEM, grandes villes côtières, approche écosystémique, mer Méditerranée,
développement durable
11h30 - Subhadeep Chowdhury – Diazotrophy in the Indian Ocean: current
understanding and future perspectives
Diazotrophs, monsoon, cyanobacteria, NCDs, nitrogen fixation
11h45 - Alexandra Cuevas – Basin study of the estimation of the properties of a vertical
sheared current from the surface gravity wave dispersion
Current, shear, phase, progressive, multi-directionnal
12h - Joseph Jenkins – Probabilistic modelling of drifting objects at sea
Drifting objects, probabilistic ensemble modelling, error modelling and calibration, deep learning
12h15 - Javier Tesan – Accumulation and trophic transfer of mercury in Mediterranean
planktonic food webs
Mercury, plankton, Mediterranean sea
12h30 - Clara Dignan – Factors influencing DOM bioavailability to heterotrophic
prokaryotes in Mediterranean coastal areas
Dissolved organic matter, prokaryotes, Mediterranean sea
LUNCH BREAK: 12h30 – 14h
Programme du jour – Program of the day
Journée des Doctorants 1ère Edition – PhD Students’ Day 1st Edition
Posters (Hall Océanomed, 14h - 17h)
Théo Garcia – Bottom-up processes drive temporal changes in zooplankton indicators in
the Bay of Marseille (NW Mediterranean Sea)
Abundance, biomass, size structure, diversity, regime shift, Gulf of Lion
Hélène Thibault – Micronekton vertical migrations, bioluminescence and
transport of carbon
Micronekton, biological pump of carbon, bioluminescence
Marine Di Stefano – Early-life traits of coastal fishes for connectivity and climatic studies:
a database of spawning and settlement dates in the Mediterranean Basin
Fish early-life traits, database, connectivity, environmental factors, Lagrangian model, Mediterranean sea
Laurina Oms – Coupled Lagrangian modelling
Biology, phytoplankton, physics, fine-scales, Lagrangian, modelling
Lauralie Callens – Impact des actions humaines sur le milieu marin : contamination
métallique en mer Méditerranée et interfaces de communication
Metallic contaminant, SeaFAST-ICP MS, scientific communication, interface, red mud
Marie Borriglione – Monitoring and life cycle of Rugulopteryx okamurae in the NW
Mediterranean sea
Human-environment relationships, anthropic pressure, submarine landscapes, climate change
Aurélie Darbouret – Perception and representation of anthropic pressure in the Bay of
Marseille (NW Mediterranean sea)
Anthropic pressure, Mediterranean sea, interdisciplinarity