6th International Jellyfish Blooms Symposisum
As promised in Barcelona during June 2016, Africa will be hosting the next International Jellyfish Blooms Symposium, as fitting the only continent that has not previously done so. It will be held in Mzantzi Afrika’s Mother City, Cape Town, during November 2019; thereby bring to a close “Season One” of the series!
Africa, as a continent, is a developing continent. In a way that previous host continents have not been. Whilst Africa may have witnessed the evolution of Homo sapiens sapiens, she is nevertheless young and inexperienced….in so many ways. Consequently, the conference will focus on development in its broadest sense: human capacity development, technology development, concept development, out-of-the box strategies around management, etc. There will be an emphasis on students, on women and on persons from developing nations.
Our logo is a case-in-point. Set as a project to students at a local design college, the exercise served to educate and inspire some of a new generation of young professionals, and selecting the most appropriate image was not an easy task. We hope you like our choice.
This web site will be populated over the coming months with progressively more information, and we urge you to bookmark it for regular updates.
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