Adaptation to climate change: the water agency is launching 6 calls for projects
The conclusions of the Water Focus highlight the need to promote water saving in all areas, to de-waterproof soils and to use nature-based solutions. In response, the Water Agency is planning a series of 6 calls for projects between now and 2024 to support the territories in their adaptation to climate change. The first two calls for projects, launched this year, concern:
1. the greening of schoolyards, colleges, high schools and universities
This call for projects aims to support waterproofing and greening projects to manage rainwater in schools by integrating an educational component on the water cycle. The agency has allocated a budget of €5 million to this project.
Submission of applications from July 1, 2019 to September 15, 2020
2. water-saving devices
This call for projects targets local authorities, social landlords and collective structures that have a global approach to reduce drinking water consumption (hydro-economical devices, dry toilets, reduction of watering of green spaces, etc.). It benefits from an aid package of €2 million.
Submission of applications from 1 November 2019 to 15 July 2020