ANR - PPR Ocean and Climate: An ocean of solutions - wave 2 - 2023
The call for proposals (CFP) "An Ocean of Solutions - Wave 2" aims to fund interdisciplinary, ambitious and structuring research projects focusing on the assessment and anticipation of anthropogenic global changes impacting the oceans (climate change, changes and new uses, pollution, invasive species) and the identification of solutions for the protection of the ocean, the preservation of ecosystem services and sustainable and equitable uses of the oceans.
The projects supported by the PPR must accompany the transition from a disciplinary research on the ocean (physics, biology, economics, ...) to an integrative and interdisciplinary research able to respond to the challenges of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (, to European issues (Green Deal, Starfish mission) and to French societal and geostrategic issues.
These projects must address four priority areas where strong issues of climate change, multiple anthropogenic pressures of unprecedented magnitude, preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, sustainable economy, sovereignty or diplomacy have been identified: polar oceans, overseas territories, the deep ocean and vulnerable metropolitan marine and coastal areas.