Biomathematics ESMTB Summer School 2019 Modelling in Marine Ecology
The “2019 ESMTB Summer School: Modelling in Marine Ecology” is a biomathematics school co-organized by the ESMTB (European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology) and by CNR (National Research Council of Italy) in the framework of the CISAS project:
The school will be an event of national and international relevance addressed to PhD and Post-Doc students interested in modeling of marine systems.
One of the objectives of the school is to raise public awareness on the possible impact that the environment has on the human health, investigating issues relating to marine ecology with modeling of marine population dynamics, by means of simple and structural models, either deterministic or stochastic. Some courses will be addressed to the study of the role of different marine communities (from bacteria through plankton to benthonic communities) and their modification in relation to environment and climatic changes as well as to anthropocentric activities. Other topics of the school will include the bio-economy and sustainable yield, with the modeling of the evolution of species subject to harvesting. Attention will be paid also to the contamination of the marine system and to the impact of contaminants on the marine population with particular focus on eco-toxicological models. The school program will touch also more methodological aspects with lectures on parameter estimation approaches, model selection and model numerical simulations.
The event is structured as a 13-day summer school. A social event on Sunday 15th is offered by the Organization. It will consist of a full-day trip and will include the social dinner.
The number of participants will be limited to 80. The school aimes to both math students with an interest in marine applications and theoretically inclined biology students. Some basic knowledge in mathematics is expected but we are sure that interested students from both sides of the mathematical biology spectrum can profit from the school. We also expect a friendly atmosphere where math students are willing to help biology students understand some aspects of mathematics and vice versa. Acceptance to the school is competitive. The school is mainly supported by the CISAS project and by the ESMTB. ESMTB members may apply to travel grants at the ESMTB website