Call for applications to renew scientific committees for bilateral cooperation programs with the Maghreb, Lebanon and Spanish-speaking American countries
The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research are jointly launching a call for applications to renew the scientific experts on the three Scientific Committees of the Hubert Curien Partnerships in the Maghreb zone (Algeria PHC TASSILI+, Morocco PHC TOUBKAL, Tunisia PHC UTIQUE), Lebanon (PHC CEDRE) and the Scientific Committees of the Spanish-speaking America programs (Brazil CAPES-COFECUB, Brazil USP-COFECUB, Argentina/Chile/Uruguay ECOS-SUD, Colombia/Mexico/Peru/Venezuela ECOS-NORD).
The "Partenariats Hubert Curien (PHC)" are a privileged instrument of scientific cooperation, promoting the mobility of scientists involved in a bilateral research project.
The aim of PHCs in the Maghreb and Lebanon zone is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French laboratories and Algerian, Moroccan or Tunisian laboratories, in particular by encouraging new cooperative ventures, the participation and mobility of young researchers and PhD students, and the creation of joint research teams with joint degree courses, mainly at PhD level.
In France, the MEAE and MESR are responsible for setting up, evaluating and monitoring these CHPs. On the French side, these programs are managed by Campus France.