Call for letters of intent prior to submitting a major project (>90 k€) to the LEFE 2025 Call for Projects
For several years now, the national inter-agency programme LEFE (Les Enveloppes Fluides et l'Environnement) has requested that a letter of intent be submitted prior to the submission of a project if it requires particularly substantial funding (total of more than 90 k€).
The LEFE Scientific Council anticipates that a major project with a total budget of between 90 and 150 k€ could be funded in response to the AAP 2025.
This call for letters of intent concerns projects that will be submitted to the LEFE programme's annual call for proposals in autumn 2024 (AAP LEFE 2025). Letters of intent are compulsory prior to submitting a project to this call for proposals, as soon as the total budget requested exceeds €90k, whatever the duration of the project.
Letters of intent may also be submitted to ask the programme's Scientific Advisory Board whether a project is relevant to the LEFE call for proposals.
The purpose of these letters is to assist in the preparation of projects, both in terms of scientific aspects (general interest, suitability for the call for proposals, consortium) and financial aspects. They are also a way for the LEFE programme to give prior advice on large-scale projects and to anticipate budget requests.