Call for projects: "Setting up European or International Scientific Networks (MRSEI)", Edition 2022
Within the framework of the "Building the European Research Area and International Attractiveness" component of the 2022 Action Plan, the "MRSEI" instrument is renewed with a continuous submission format involving four selection sessions
The MRSEI program was created to give scientists working in French laboratories the means to submit a research project as coordinator to European (Horizon Europe) or international collaborative calls and thus give them the opportunity to develop ambitious interdisciplinary projects and to strengthen their visibility at the international level.
In the framework of this call, only proposals aiming at setting up a European or international scientific network, coordinated by a French team, are expected. These research networks constituted within the framework of the MRSEI program are required to apply to an ambitious European or international call for projects.
NB: For any information or guidance concerning the "Horizon Europe" calls, please contact the NCPs (National Contact Points).
The selected proposals will receive a maximum grant of 30 k€ for a duration of 24 months. The support received will exclusively finance actions allowing the development or the reinforcement of the scientific network (mission, meeting, reception expenses, etc...) and/or the provision of services to help the coordinator to set up the European or international project.
The ANR has taken measures to ensure a rapid decision making process and the implementation of funding:
a simplified submission file;
a single beneficiary of the aid on behalf of the entire consortium: the French research organization;
a peer review selection in a single phase
a unilateral funding decision procedure