Call for "Transition in Action" Projects 2023 Edition
This is the 4th edition of the Institut ITEM's flagship call for projects, the "Transition in Action" AAP. Faithful to the founding vision of the Institut, the text is also based on the rich exchanges during the Annual Days. Thus, it aims to develop collaborations with the AP-HM and pays particular attention to the themes of "cities and territories" and "risks."
ITEM will finance structuring projects of a maximum duration of 36 months, responding through interdisciplinarity to strategic societal issues linked to environmental transition. Interdisciplinarity must reflect a genuine approach to co-constructing scientific questions.
This AAP is open to researchers and teacher-researchers from ITEM and AP-HM.
ITEM has a proactive and innovative partnership policy, enabling the co-financing of thesis and post-doctoral fellowships. The AAP timetable has been adapted accordingly.
Each project is also expected to include a multi-faceted pedagogical initiative, aimed at at least two masters courses and/or doctoral schools, with a view to raising interdisciplinary awareness.