CIVIS Research - Launch of the first call "Networking activities
The Horizon 2020/Europe Transversal Task Force is pleased to announce the launch of the first CIVIS Research call for proposals. Entitled "Support for networking activities through organizing workshops", this call aims to foster networking within the CIVIS research community and to encourage the emergence of new collaborative projects. With a total budget of 30 000€, up to 10 projects will be selected in the framework of this call which will contribute to finance workshops, seminars to support networking activities.
1. Main features of the call :
Proposals must include a minimum of three researchers/teacher-researchers from three different universities in CIVIS. The association of African partners from CIVIS is encouraged when relevant
Proposals must fall within the scope of a future Horizon Europe Framework Program call for proposals (call 2022, 2023 or 2024)
Proposals must fall within the framework of one of the 5 CIVIS hubs
2. Main deadlines :
Launch date of the call: December 1, 2021
Deadline for submission of proposals: January 19, 2022
Expected project selection: mid-March 2022
Deadline for completion: April-August 2022