Climate and Impacts Symposium - Call for sessions
The 6th edition of the "Climate and Impacts" conference will take place on 23, 24 and 25 November 2020 on the premises of the University of Paris-Saclay (École Centrale-Supélec, Orsay).
This new edition of the "Climate and Impacts" conference aims to bring together scientific expertise on current and past climate variability, its causes, its impacts on ecosystems and its repercussions on past and present human societies. The thematic fields addressed by these scientific days, listed here, are not exhaustive and concern : (i) climate variability recorded in natural climate archives (ice cores, marine and continental sediments, bio-carbonates, tree rings, etc.), (ii) climate variability recorded in natural climate archives (ice cores, marine and continental sediments, bio-carbonates, tree rings, etc.) ) on different time scales (geological to historical), (ii) the response dynamics of biodiversity and continental and marine ecosystems to climatic and anthropogenic forcings and induced feedbacks, (iii) the predictability of future climates, (iv) the relationships between past human societies and their environment, (v) the view of social, economic and health sciences on current climate change ...
The presentations will be divided into oral presentations and posters. A few invited presentations will open the sessions. As usual, a large space will be reserved for poster presentations and exchanges. For this purpose, we have rented the Joël Rousseau Theatre and a large Hall in the Eiffel building of the École Centrale-Supélec to comfortably organize these days. We will thus be able to accommodate the ever-increasing influx of participants that we have observed over the various editions, without having to refuse registrations as was the case in 2018.
We are now launching a call for sessions in order to bring out topics and create new synergies within our scientific communities. Tell us about your ideas, about the topics that are "stirring" the community today and around which we, the participants of Climate and Impacts 2020, will converge. Please send us your proposal in no more than half a page (to be sent to and Taking into account the proposals received, we will draw up a pre-programme for these three scientific days so that everyone can find a session that corresponds to them and so that current issues are well represented. Thank you to the proposers, to accept in advance the groupings. We await your proposals until May 30.
Registration and submission of abstracts will be open from this summer onwards.
You are receiving this message because you have participated in one or other of the previous editions of Climate and Impacts. We have set up a mailing list to facilitate communication. Feel free to spread the information around you and to propose new emails to be added to this list. To do so, simply send a message to Christine Hatté <>.