Climate change: the challenges of interdisciplinarity
From June 3 to 7, the second edition of the "Around 2°C" thematic school will be held near Grenoble.
The first initiative of its kind, "Around 2°C" brings together a wide range of disciplinary communities in the human and social sciences (anthropologists, sociologists, linguists, economists, lawyers), geosciences (climatologists, hydrologists, oceanographers) and environmental sciences (ecologists, geographers) to address scientific and societal challenges related to the issue of global warming.
The first edition, held in June 2017, showed how high the expectations of disciplinary decompartmentalization were in order to better address the complexity of the causes and impacts of global warming.
This second edition is built around the concepts of trajectories and vulnerabilities. These two concepts are at the heart of questions about how our societies will be able to anticipate and manage the impacts of global warming induced by human action, while trying to limit this warming as much as possible.