Competition "between sky and sea": congratulations to Dorian Guillemain for winning the INSU competition photo prize in the "Research tools" category
Jean-Luc Fuda and his colleagues from the OPLC (Océanographie Physique, Littorale et Côtière) and SAM (Service Atmosphère et Mer) teams of the MIO (Institut Méditerranéen d'Océanologie) have designed and built a profiler to measure vertical marine currents.
The VVP (Vertical Velocity Profiler) is the instrument in the foreground of the picture.
Two divers accompanied the very first tests of the prototype and made the photo and video coverage to document its in-situ behavior. The Antedon II, a ship of the French Oceanographic Fleet, in the background of the picture, allowed the safe launching of the VVP in the harbor of Marseilles.