Concurrent launch of the "Actions Sud" and "AT & Pôles" calls for tenders
At the end of 2019, the MIO will issue two concomitant calls for tenders (AOs), one for Southern Actions and another for AT & Poles Projects, with a view to financing them from the beginning of 2020. He wishes to maintain the specificities of each of the two AOs, but does not exclude projects that could be submitted to both AOs with an adapted argument.
The specific criteria and the submission and evaluation procedures for each of the two AOs are specified in the two attached scoping documents.
The evaluation of the projects submitted to the AO "Actions Sud" will be the subject of a dedicated COMEX meeting at the beginning of December. The evaluation of the projects submitted to the AO "Transversal Axes & Poles" will be the subject of a meeting of the MIO Scientific Council in mid-December.
October 8, 2019 : Launching calls for tenders
November 21, 2019 : Submission of projects
November 22, 2019 : Transmission to experts
Week 1-6 December 2019: COMEX meeting "Actions Sud" 2020
Week 9-13 December 2019: Meeting of the MIO Scientific Council
Richard Sempéré, Thomas Changeux and François Carlotti