Croco training: from October 10 to 14 at the Séolane center (France)
A week of meeting and training in numerical hydrodynamic modeling with the ocean code CROCO ( is proposed from October 10 to 14, 2022 in Barcelonette, France. It will consist of theoretical courses and practical exercises during which students will be able to start building their own configuration on their area of interest. This training is open to students from the North and the South.
Number of places: 20
Cost: 300 euros from October 9 (evening) to 14 (evening), including food and accommodation
Free for participants from the South (accommodation and food included), i.e. attached to a university or a laboratory in the South
Logistics: a shuttle will be offered from Marseille.
Pre-requisites :
- Short term modeling project
- Notion of modeling or programming
- For Southern partners: Be in connection with IRD partners (LMI, JEAI, GDRI ...) or with the Croco developers team
To apply, please send an email to and :
◦ Brief description of background or CV
◦ Letter explaining your project in relation to the tool
◦ If you have, letter of support from IRD or Croco partners
Registration closes on June 1 and the results of the selections will be communicated to you on June 15