Cyano 2020 Summer School
We are happy to let you know that the early career researcher conference on cyanobacterial research, which is already celebrating its 5th anniversary, will not be canceled due to COVID-19. Cyano2020 will take place as a virtual event.
At Cyano2019 it was decided to test an alternating schedule of conferences and a summer school and workshop. So, at Cyano2020, we were planning a summer school for you with introductory lectures on various topics of cyanobacteria from leading experts in the field and hands-on workshops.
COVID-19 messed up pretty much everything we already had planned for you. However, we decided to shift the whole summer school to a virtual event. That way we can still provide the lectures for you and we are testing set-ups for even hands-on workshops. As this will be an exclusive virtual event, we like to invite as many as possible of you to tune in. We try to schedule all the events as best as possible such that all time zones can participate in at least some of the events. However, a lot of the materials will be available afterward on-demand free for everyone.
So save the date and get excited about a full week of cyanobacteria on September 14th-18th.
We will offer a remote conference at the expected date and are planning of providing video lectures with live Q&A sessions, workshops as well as live lightning talks from early career researchers. The summer school will also provide opportunities for you to network with fellow researchers in online coffee breaks, and unconference sessions. This will also be complete new to us but we are more than excided for this special conference.
We are super excited and we hope this gets you excited as well. See you all online in September. Until then, stay at home and stay healthy.
The registration for Cyano2020 summer school in now open for everybody. There is no limitation for the number of participants and also not application deadline. Registration will allow you to participate in the live sessions and workshops and keeps you updated so you don't miss any event. The registration for the summer school is in all cases free of charge. However, we ask you to fill out a survey prior to the summer school to learn more about your background in cyanobacterial research and your expectations and interests for the summer school so we can adjust some of the content of the summer school accordingly. The registration helps us to keep you informed as we approach the date of the summer school about e.g. tools you might need for participation. In any case, sign up for the newsletter or follow us on Twitter @CyanoWorld1 if you don't want to miss any information and update about the conference.
Cyano2020 Summer School will take place all around the world with keynote speakers and attendees remotely tuning in from their offices, labs, homes and maybe even bedrooms to learn more about the exciting world of cyanobacterial research. We will try to provide a schedule of the summer school that allows everyone to attend some of the live sessions. In case some of the lectures or workshops you like to attend are during night time in your time zone: 1. We're sorry, but 2. all of the lectures will be available after the summer school for everyone to watch and there should be plenty of opportunities to engage in discussions on twitter during and after the conferences following #cyano2020
Keynote Speaker
Yagut Allahverdiyeva - Introduction to Photosynthesis in Cyanobacteria (Twitter: @yagut_rinne) - University of Turku, Finland
Mar Benavides - Marine Nitrogen Fixation (Twitter: @mar__benavides) - Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Marseille, France
Penny Chisholm - Prochlorococcus - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA
Maria Del Carmen Santos Merino - Metabolic Engineering of Cyanobacteria (Twitter: @marysBiotec) - Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
Elke Dittmann - Cyanotoxins - University of Potsdam, Germany
Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel - Introduction to Cyanophages (Twitter: @FKBmicro) - Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany
Susan Golden - Circadian Clocks in Cyanobacteria (Twitter: @susanksgolden) - University of California San Diego, USA
Patricia Sanchez Baracaldo - History and Evolution of Cyanobacteria (Twitter: @sanchez_baracal) - University of Bristol, UK
Annegret Wilde - Phototaxis in Cyanobacteria (Twitter: @FreeCyano) - Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany
Yulia Yuzenkova - Gene Regulation and Transcription in Cyanobacteria - University of Newcastle, UK
Julie Zedler - Cyanobacterial Synthetic Biology & Greentech (Twitter: @SynBioJazz) - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Cultivation & Bioreactors
Bioinformatics & Statistics
Cyanobacterial Methods 101
Career, Mentoring & Funding