Environment and coastal development | Special press release calls for projects and tenders in progress
Calls for proposals, innovation and competitions
NEW Call for projects REGION SUD - Decentralized Cooperation "Water, Energy, Environment - 3E" (opening 06 July - closing 16 September)
The general objective of this call is to support projects that work towards the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals:
Ensuring access to water and sanitation for all and sustainable management of water resources (SDO 6);
Ensure access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy services for all at an affordable cost (SDO 7);
Preserve and restore terrestrial ecosystems (SDO 15).
In order to present the rules and eligibility conditions of the 3E call for projects, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region, in partnership with Territoires Solidaires, the network of actors of international cooperation and solidarity in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, is organizing a webinar on Wednesday, July 8 from 14:00 to 16:00 via the Teams software.
To join the meeting, you just have to click on this link: Join the Teams meeting
Please confirm your participation with Mrs Cécile ELIZALDE, celizalde@maregionsud.fr.
NEW Call for proposals PSPC-9 (closing 29 June 2021)
The call for PSPC projects n°9 operated by Bpifrance was launched last Friday, June 5 in conjunction with the General Secretariat for Investment within the framework of the Future Investment Program (PIA).
Competitiveness structuring research and development projects (PSPC) are R&D projects conducted by a consortium of industrial and research partners. They correspond to work budgets of more than €4 million and may reach or even exceed €50 million.
In the context of the end of the health crisis, priority is given to projects supported by the Sector Strategic Committees (CSF), as well as projects in the sectors most affected by the crisis.
presentation of the call for projects: https://www.bpifrance.fr/A-la-une/Appels-a-projets-concours/Projets-de-r...
Call for projects "MobBiodiv'2020: associations for biodiversity" to finance field actions for the protection of biodiversity (closing of the 2nd session on 04/09)
The aim of this call for projects is to enable associations approved under the Environment Code to submit concrete action projects for the preservation and recovery of biodiversity, spread throughout France: mainland France and overseas departments and regions (DROMs), French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna).
The eligible themes are :
Restoring and protecting ecosystems and their functionalities;
Integrating biodiversity into land use planning and management;
Optimising economic and financial systems to combine economic development and biodiversity conservation;
Advancing knowledge, learning and innovation for the preservation of biodiversity.
The winning projects will be presented at the World Conservation Congress in Marseille during a dedicated time in the presence of the Minister (E. WARGON). The State budget is 4M€ with a target of 30,000 to 300,000€ per project on the 5 axes of the Congress, the projects being selected from a regional collective (DREAL, DR OFB, ARB) that can bring together the region that would benefit from the project. Régions de France insisted on the link to be ensured with the regional biodiversity strategies (SRB).
More information here: https://ofb.gouv.fr/actualites/lancement-de-lappel-projets-mobbiodiv2020
- 1st session (closing on 21/06 for laureates at the end of July): https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr/commencer/appel-a-projets-mobbiodiv...
- 2nd session (closing on 04/09 for laureates mid-October): https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr/commencer/appel-a-projets-mobbiodiv...
CALL FOR PROJECTS: Reduction of the impact of anchors of pleasure craft on the Posidonia meadow by the implementation of organised moorings (closing date 31 December 2020)
The call for projects aims to support the operational deployment of the MMAP's mooring strategy and thus to achieve the objectives of reducing pressure on the herbarium through :
conducting definition studies to specify the type of organisation to be set up in complex sectors (regulations, developments, proposed measures, financial dimension, carriers, etc.);
conducting definition studies to specify the type of organisation to be set up in complex sectors (regulations, developments, proposed systems, financial dimension, carriers, etc.); and