Experimentation and Instrumentation Workshop 2022
The Atéliers Expérimentations et Instrumentations (AEI), gather engineers, technicians and researchers specialized in instrumental development to exchange on measurement, methodology, design and realization, implementation and also innovation. Because of their new vocation to cover all instrumental activities at INSU, the AEI are now extended to the four scientific fields of INSU: Astronomy-Astrophysics, Ocean-Atmosphere, Surfaces and Continental Interfaces, Solid Earth.
For this 2022 version of AEI, 6 session themes have been identified:
Participatory Measurements,
Embedded processing,
Additive Manufacturing,
Ethics and Environmental Footprint.
A 7th session will allow to present the return of the projects funded by the DIIRO on the year 2021.
It will also be possible to propose contributions outside of the themes mentioned above.
DR CNRS Occitanie-Est, 1919 Rte de Mende, 34000 Montpellier