FishBase - SeaLifeBase Symposium 30 years of FishBase - 15 years of SeaLifeBase
On 6 and 7 September 2021, a symposium will be held at the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Grande Galerie de l'Évolution) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of FishBase and the 15th anniversary of SeaLifeBase.
This symposium will be an opportunity to illustrate the different uses of FishBase and SeaLifeBase in the fields of ecology, biogeography, fisheries, taxonomy or aquariology. It will highlight the contribution of these two global information systems to the knowledge of biodiversity and the sustainable use of aquatic ecosystems, and those from various other databases.
A special issue related to this event, co-edited by Alexander Tilley (Senior Scientist, WorldFish, Vice-chair of the FishBase Consortium, and Fabrice Télétchéa (University of Lorraine, Vice-chair of Q-quatics,, will be published in Cybium, the international ichthyology journal edited by the SFI. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 30 September 2021.
Proposals for papers are accepted until 26 July.
You can register and submit your presentation titles on this website.
You will find on this website the list of confirmed presentations to date (speakers), as well as all useful information such as a list of accommodation.
The organizing committee of the 2021 FishBase-SeaLifeBase symposium
Patrice Pruvost, Philippe Béarez, Romain Causse, Valérie Gaudant (SFI) & Fabrice Teletchea
With the financial support of the MNHN, l’OSU ECCE TERRA and UMR BOREA