Launch of the call for projects "Emplois Jeunes Doctorants
The Southern Region offers a funding scheme for doctoral students allowing them to access a three-year job to complete their doctoral thesis (Emploi Jeune Doctorant EJD). This scheme, centered around economic development and employment support, is strongly oriented towards projects carried out in partnership with companies and closely linked to strategic sectors.
1. Framework of the call for projects 2022-2025
The elements of the call for projects will be available by Friday, January 7, 2022 at the latest on the Aix-Marseille University website:
2. How to submit applications
The application form, duly completed and signed (except for the signature of the President of the University p.1) must be sent (Word + PDF format), at the latest on Monday, February 7, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. to the Doctoral Training Department (DFD) by electronic means at the address for instruction.
If a research unit submits several applications, please provide a ranking of the proposed projects.
All applications that do not follow this procedure will be declared inadmissible.
3. Examination of applications within Aix-Marseille University
The Doctoral College will establish, with the doctoral schools, a ranking of the application files before they are submitted to the Research Commission at the beginning of March 2022.
Information and documents for the constitution of the application file:
- Note on strategic sectors (SRDEII)
- Call for EJD projects for the Southern Region 2022-2025
- Application form
- Quote 2022-2025
- Calendar of the campaign
- Frequently asked questions