Launch of the first ERC calls for projects
The calendar of the ERC calls has been published. 1.9 billion euros are planned for the 2021 calls
Starting Grants: launch on February 25, deadline on April 8
Consolidator Grants: launch on March 1, deadline April 20
Advanced Grants: launch on May 20, deadline on August 31
No Synergies and PoC calls this year
What is the European Research Council?
The ERC funds scientific excellence at the frontier of knowledge. It is a "white science" program dedicated to exploratory research, whose sole selection criterion is scientific excellence.
All fields of knowledge are eligible, although new ideas at the interface of traditional disciplinary fields are particularly sought after.
The calls for projects are divided into 25 thematic panels covering the physical sciences and engineering, the humanities and social sciences, and the life sciences.
Which program for which researcher?
Type of ERC
Condition of participation
Objective of the call
Duration of funding
Selection criteria
Maximum amount
Starting grant
2 to 7 years after the thesis
To allow young scientists to build their research team around an original theme
5 years
Scientific excellence
Up to 2 million euros
Consolidator grant
7 to 12 years after the thesis
Consolidate their independence by building a research team
5 years
Scientific excellence
Up to 2.75 million euros
Advanced grant
Confirmed researchers
The research proposed by the researcher must open new perspectives. It must not be in the exact continuity of the one carried out until now
5 years
Scientific excellence
Up to 3.5 million euros
Submit and then?
If the success rates for ERC calls for proposals are not very high, it is nevertheless possible to capitalize on the writing work by participating in other calls for proposals. Aware of the interest of this source of funding, some organizations propose to accompany a second ERC submission by awarding a grant. Projects submitted to the ERC can also be "recycled" with the ANR.
ANR generic call
The main call of the French National Research Agency (ANR), the Generic Call for Proposals is aimed at all scientific communities and all public or private actors involved in French research. It is intended to enable researchers in different scientific fields to access co-financing for a large number of research topics, whether or not they have a specific focus, in addition to the recurrent funding allocated to them.
Tremplin-ERC instrument set up by the ANR
Tremplin-ERC is intended for French or foreign researchers who are attached to a French public research and knowledge dissemination organization or institution and who did not obtain funding in the ERC "Starting Grant" call, despite the quality of their project (ranked A at the end of the second selection stage). This funding instrument should help them to improve their proposal in order to submit a new application with the best chances of success. Researchers from all scientific fields and research disciplines can apply. The selected projects will receive a grant of up to 120 k€ for a period of 24 months.
Booster" scheme set up by the Southern Region
The ERC Booster scheme is aimed at young researchers who have not been selected by the ERC jury despite the quality of their application, in order to improve their file with a view to resubmission. The conditions of participation are as follows:
- Starting Grant project holders (2 to 7 years after the thesis) and Consolidator Grant project holders (7 to 12 years after the thesis) ;
Of which:
- Projects ranked A or B in the second stage of evaluation but not selected by the ERC program, and who commit to resubmit their application to an ERC call for projects within 18 months, starting from the notification of the grant. Regional funding is provided for 80% of eligible costs up to a maximum of €50,000 per project.
Where to find more information?
On the program website