Launch of the Institute of Ocean Sciences of Aix-Marseille University
On the occasion of the presentation of the European mission 'Restore our oceans and waters by 2030' in Marseille, the kick-off of the AMU Institute of Ocean Sciences (OCEAN) took place on June 13, 2022 at the Pharo, prior to the European meeting. This institute, directed by Richard Sempéré (MIO-CEM), brings together expertise in local marine sciences, research and training (oceanography, ocean/climate interactions, ecology, digital technology, marine engineering, history, law and geography of the sea) of 14 UMRs with the AMIDEX partnership of the CNRS, IRD, IRSN, Ecole Centrale Marseille, IFREMER and the Collège de France.
Here is the web address of the Ocean site: