Master in Marine Sciences: a week of immersion on board an oceanographic vessel
From February 20 to 26, 2023, the first year students of the Master of Marine Sciences participated in the traditional multidisciplinary mission at sea, on a ship of the French oceanographic fleet.
Aboard the Téthys II, an oceanographic vessel equipped to meet the needs of researchers in the fields of marine geosciences, physical and biological oceanography, bio-geochemistry and ocean chemistry, the students of the Master's degree in Marine Sciences (SDM) of the UFR Sciences and Techniques took samples off the coast of Saint-Tropez.
The samples were then processed in the laboratory at IFREMER's premises in Brégaillon, and the data collected in the workroom according to their specialties: physics (PHYMER course), chemistry (CHARME) and biology (IPA).
To close their week of immersion, the students presented their work in an oral restitution in front of the supervisors of the master who lead this annual adventure.
"These 15 days are a highlight of the training, providing a unique professional experience through access to a large oceanographic vessel, but it is also an opportunity to learn to work in groups, to exchange in a multidisciplinary way and to prepare summaries of the data collected," said Yann Ourmières, researcher at the MIO laboratory of the University of Toulon and head of the teaching staff.