Meeting at the MIO on November 2nd and 3rd, of the research group involved in the ANR Trajectoire
The TRAJECTOIRE project was launched in January 2020 for a period of 4 years. It aims to establish, at the outlets of major French watersheds (Rhone, Loire, Seine, Garonne, Rhine, Meuse, Moselle), the trajectories of contaminants brought by man. The aim is to study their pathway, from their introduction into the environment, to their presence in environmental compartments, during the 20th century. This period was punctuated by both technological and industrial development and by a gradual recognition of the impact of this development on the environment.
Three main families of contaminants introduced into the environment by human activities will be studied in the framework of the TRAJECTOIRE project:
Microplastics and their derivatives such as phthalates,
And critical metals: ultra-rare metals used in advanced technologies, such as gadolinium, indium, terbium, europium, palladium, platinum or germanium.
The final objective of the TRAJECTOIRE project is to develop a predictive model of contaminant concentrations in river systems by considering the evolution of anthropogenic pressures on the basis of scenarios. The research work will make it possible to evaluate the trajectories of the contaminants studied, i.e. the response of environments subjected to anthropogenic disturbances applied to their watersheds, as well as the capacity of large rivers to return to their initial state after a disturbance, i.e. their resilience capacity.
The TRAJECTOIRE project aims to provide stakeholders with a decision-making tool on environmental measures (regulations), on the management of decommissioning and remediation operations or on the materials to be used by new technologies, with a view to protecting hydrosystems.
The TRAJECTOIRE project, led by IRSN, involves seven French partners. The ANR finances this project in the framework of its 2018 generic call for projects on the theme "Human-Environment Interactions".
The Trajectoire project is led by IRSN and funded by ANR (ANR-19-CE3-0009, 2020-2024).
The MIO welcomed on November 2 and 3 about twenty researchers involved in the TRAJECTOIRE project for the 4th meeting of the consortium.