MIO at the 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP) in Krakow
Aurelié Dufour, Mariia Petrova, Marie-Maëlle Desgranges and Lars-Eric Heimbürger-Boavida attended last week the 14th International Conference of Mercury as A Global Pollutant (ICMGP) in Krakow, Poland (https://mercury2019krakow.com). Aurelié presented a poster on "GEOTRACES intercalibration exercises and development of reference material for the community". Masha gave an oral presentation on a part of her PhD work "Total and methylated mercury inputs and outputs in the Arctic Ocean via Fram Strait and Barents Sea Opening". Marie-Maëlle presented a poster of her Masters project "Biomagnification of contaminants in a marine food web (NW Mediterranean Sea): speciation of arsenic and mercury toxic forms" and parts of her new PhD project "Methylmercury: a new tracer for the remineralization of organic matter ?". All in all we contributed to 9 much appreciated presentations at this conference. We are looking forward to further MIOs position in mercury research via several new and ongoing projects (H2020 ITN GMOS-TRAIN, ANR MERTOX, ANR TONGA, ANR CONTAPUMP, ANR SWINGS, MISTRALS HIPPOCAMPE,... ) to be presented at the next ICMGP in Captown, South Africa, 11-16 July 2021 (http://www.mercury2021.com).