The MIO at Festival Explore !
From May 27 to June 2, 2024, the Festival Explore is coming to Marseille for its first edition. Co-organized by Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) and CNRS in partnership Centrale Méditerranée and Inserm, it's a festive, free event open to all, young and old !
The MIO is actively involved :
- Gaël Erauso | Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography
Dive into Caledonian hydrothermal springs to understand the origin of life with Marc Daréoux's documentary film : MICROPRONY shown on Tuesday May 28, 2024, 6.30pm at the cinema La Baleine, 59 Cours Julien, 13006 Marseille.
- Daniela Banaru | Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography
Listen to the podcast broadcast by Radio grenouille: Daniela Banaru au Vieux-Port
In-store stalls - Centre Bourse - Wednesday May 29 - 2pm-6pm
Stands on the beach - Escale Borély - Sunday June 2 - 2-6pm
Daniela Banaru will present the results of her research for Anr Contampump.
The Program