The MIO is launching an internal call for tenders in 2019 dedicated to Transversal Axes and Poles
Submission of applications before 20/06/2019 at 12 noon
To stimulate integrated activities within the framework of the transversal axes and poles presented in the MIO HCERES 2018-2022 project, the dedicated call for tenders aims to provide annual financial support to a few projects.
The criteria for awarding these actions are, in addition to scientific excellence, the real integrative dimension demonstrated by the multidisciplinary nature and involvement of several MIO teams, the leading role of the MIO in the project, the ability to support the scientific team set up towards large-scale national or international funding. The request must fall within one or more transversal axes or poles of the MIO, and in this case it must of course be argued and previously discussed and validated within the TAs and Poles to which it refers, or have the dimension and ambition to propose a new transversal axis over several years.
Submission of applications (maximum 3 pages and according to the form provided):
First page: 1) Project title / Lead 2) Background
Second page: 3) Project objectives 4) Proposed actions and timetable
Third page: 5) Staff involved and roles 6) Financial request 7) Actual or planned participation in other programmes (regional, national, international) 8) Arguments on the positioning in TAs and Poles 9) Opinions of the TA managers and Poles concerned.
Requests should be sent, before 20 June 2019, by e-mail to, and to the relevant TA and Cluster managers. The funding request must be between 5000 and 15000 Euros per project. The total amount allocated for this 2019 AO is €20,000.
Evaluation and allocation of aid:
The dossiers will be the subject of a short presentation (5 minutes + 5 minutes of questions) by the project leaders to the MIO Executive Committee. Arbitration should be rendered at the end of June 2019 with a rapid availability of credits from July 2019.
The form