National call for projects_Resilience of territories
We consider that in the digital age, it is necessary to connect resilience actors in order to build common resources together: technological platforms, open data, open source software, knowledge, feedback, protocols, and experimental territories. The role of the Call for Commons (CFC) is to bring together all willing actors to produce open resources - the commons - and thus to evolve the resilience of territories in a logic of adaptation to climate change by creating and sharing these commons.
This call for commons is initiated, designed, launched and financed by ADEME and aims, in the first instance, to gather a community around the theme of territorial resilience. It is then intended to expand as the work in progress is disseminated by the actors involved in this theme via collaborative tools, on the basis of a co-constructed definition of priority challenges. ADEME will finance several common projects selected for their impact on resilience. Resilience is a polysemic term with multiple definitions depending on the context, science and community in which it is used. The aim here is to observe the broad spectrum of definitions and uses in ADEME's fields of application and within the francophone community.
Generically, a resilient territory can be defined as a territory in movement, capable of :
Anticipating disturbances, whether sudden or slow; monitoring and forecasting are key;
Mitigate these disruptions or absorb their effects;
To recover and bounce back thanks to learning, adaptation and innovation;
To evolve towards a new state of "dynamic equilibrium" preserving its functionality. This state should be decided and built collectively.
France is committed to the ecological transition (ET) and the national low-carbon strategy (SNBC 2) sets a course of carbon neutrality by 2050: the mobilization of all stakeholders, in a systemic and coordinated approach, is a key issue to support the ecological, economic and social transition and adaptation to climate change. This call for proposals is in line with France's current objectives regarding territorial resilience:
The "climate and resilience" bill resulting from the work of the Citizens' Climate Convention, the first reading of which in the National Assembly is scheduled for March 2021,
The roadmap "Living in the France of tomorrow" for sustainable territories and cities, one of whose 4 major challenges is resilience: "[it] aims to strengthen the robustness and adaptability of organizations in the face of exceptional events, shocks (unexpected events with immediate impacts) or crises (progressive events of significant duration)"
Each proposed commons will have to argue on how it responds to the resilience issues of territories (e.g. definition, resilience of what/who?, etc.) and be anchored within a territory of the Francophone world. To do so, the holders of the commons can provide a letter of support from a community, citizens' association, etc. and possibly show how the work or commons mobilized is already articulated in one or more territories. Pilot sites can be chosen as long as they are justified from a methodological point of view.
This call for commons is open to all public and private actors. To answer the call, all the information is presented on this page of the wiki. The deposit of the common project will be entirely done on the wiki. A FAQ is also available on the discussion forum. ADEME will partially finance the selected commons.
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