A new administrative manager at the MIO, Caroline Fabre
Caroline Fabre (rad-mio@mio.osupytheas.fr), IGE AMU and new administrative manager of the MIO replacing Thu Bizat, took up her position on Monday 15 June 2020.
Caroline Fabre will gradually contact the various departments of the UMR. Thu Bizat is at the M I O again this week and is tiling with Caroline Fabre.
After studying General Business Management with a specialization in Human Resources and Organizational Management (AMU, Université de Montréal, IAE d'Aix-en-Provence), Caroline worked for 5 years in administrative and HR management in the chemical industry sector (Storage, Production of paints and surfactants). Adept of water sports (competitive sailing, surfing, diving, ...), she is interested in various fields (Science, Art, Nature).
It is with pleasure that she joins the MIO as Administrative Manager and all MIO staff welcome her.