Policy for hosting internships at the University of Toulon
On March 18, I informed you that all national internships that must be done face-to-face could no longer take place in host organizations.
Following the census carried out on Thursday 26 March in the Committee of Laboratory Directors, I would like to give you the general framework of our policy for hosting internships in our establishment.
Since the closure of all our campuses, research laboratories are inaccessible. However, our objective is to maintain, as much as possible, pedagogical continuity in the framework of internships.
Distance learning is the rule to be favoured. All trainees who are able to do so must therefore carry out their internship at a distance until further notice. Indeed, it is first and foremost a question of effectively combating the spread of the coronavirus by limiting physical contact. Thus, in consultation with the trainee, the director of the host research unit and the director of the component, it is up to the tutor to organise the content of the course accordingly and to give priority to suspension or postponement over interruption of the course.
Any modification of the placement conditions (distance work, modification of the duration of the placement, suspension or postponement) requires the drafting of an amendment to the placement agreement. This amendment must be drawn up and signed electronically by the trainee, the traineeship tutor, the director of the host research unit and the director of the component.
The Directorate for Research and Projects (DIREP), in conjunction with the placement tutor, will support the preparation of the amendments.
In the case of an interruption of the placement by termination of the agreement, a pedagogical arrangement will have to be envisaged by the teacher-tutor, in consultation with the trainee, the director of the host research unit and the director of the component.
As regards the hosting at the University of Toulon of trainees from other institutions, the instructions given by the home institution must be applied in accordance with the procedures set up by the University of Toulon.
Gratification :
If the activities of the internship are carried out through distance work, the internship bonus is maintained according to the conditions set out in the agreement.
If the internship activities are suspended or postponed, the payment of the internship bonus is suspended. If the traineeship is resumed, payment of the bonus will be resumed in accordance with the conditions laid down in the agreement. In the meantime, in consultation with the trainee, the director of the host research unit and the director of the component, it is up to the tutor teacher to propose, as far as possible, an alternative solution which will be studied by the governance.
If the placement activities are interrupted, the payment of the placement bonus ends with the termination of the agreement. The consequences of this interruption for the trainee may be the subject of a specific request for assistance from the social service for students at the university.
Finally, I invite you to consult the frequently asked questions (FAQ) regularly updated on the university's website at the following address
Take care of yourself and your loved ones by carefully following the health instructions.
Xavier Leroux
President of the University of Toulon