Port-Cros National Park - Call for scientific partnership proposals 2021
The territory of the National Park is intended to serve as a work space for research and to host teams of researchers so as to contribute to the acquisition of fundamental as well as applied knowledge. The Establishment has limited budgets to contribute to the research needs necessary for the management of the territories for which it is responsible. The National Park therefore wishes to develop partnerships with research laboratories, university teams or researchers to meet the needs identified.
This partnership implies a pooling of financial, human and material resources to carry out this research. The restitution of these studies and research must be as wide as possible, through scientific publications, partially or totally written in the journal Scientific Reports of Port-Cros National Park, publications in popular magazines or in the local media, conferences with the inhabitants of the concerned territories. The data resulting from these studies and researches will have vocation in the short term to enter in the public domain, after the stage of valorisation in the form of scientific publications.
Program implementation schedule
At the end of a period of one month after the diffusion of this call, i.e. from January 25, 2021, the National Park will begin to engage in partnerships relating to the listed studies/research for which a declaration of partnership will have been formalized. The Institution will be able to work on the contents and engage new partnerships for the year 2021 until the end of the fiscal year.