Region Sud PACA - Call for tender "RESEARCH" 2024 & "Young doctoral students 2024 (EJD)"
As part of the regional plan for higher education, research and innovation, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region has just launched two annual calls for research projects for 2024:
- Research 2024" call for projects
- Call for projects "Young doctoral students 2024" (EJD)
In order to improve the clarity of regional support and ensure better coordination between these two schemes, the application forms have been harmonized, with a single submission timetable. The priority given to regional themes has also been reaffirmed.
Under the "Research" call for projects, priority will be given to supporting research projects in the strategic sectors and/or key technologies defined by the Regional Plan for Economic Development, Innovation and Internationalization (SRDEII), and contributing primarily to the priority areas of the 2nd Regional Climate Plan "Gardons une COP d'avance" (air, land, sea, water, energy, waste). Particular attention will also be paid to innovative research projects in the field of artificial intelligence.
With regard to the "Young doctoral student employment" call for projects, preference will once again be given to applications linked to the regional Climate Plan or the regional Cancer Plan. Applications for APOG coupled with an "Emploi jeunes Doctorants" (EJD) application must include the EJD application form.
For the MIO, applications will be filed by the codir on February 6, 2024.
For AMU, signed applications are due no later than 19/02/2024, in accordance with the online procedures on our intranet home page.