Scientific Days LEFE/GMMC 2019

The University of Toulon and the MIO laboratory are hosting the 2019 LEFE/GMMC Scientific Days of the Mercator Coriolis Mission Group on June 12, 13 and 14, 2019 at the PI - amphitheatre FA.001 building, Toulon campus - Porte d'Italie.

The Mercator-Coriolis Mission Group (GMMC) is an action of the CNRS LEFE programme (INSU) which aims to support French scientific excellence in operational oceanography by contributing to the development of the scientific activities of the two main players in this sector, Mercator Océan International and Coriolis.

The LEFE/GMMC Scientific Days, which each year bring together all the research teams involved and the operational teams, are also intended to be an important forum for exchanges between the wider research community and current or potential national and European OO stakeholders.

This year 2019, the days will have as their main theme the next OceanObs19 (OO19) Conference to be held in Honolulu from 16 to 20 September 2019 and will focus on ocean observation in all scientific fields where it is present (oceanography, climate, meteorology, environment, ecology, SHS, health, etc.).

Contact for UTLN :

Yann Ourmières -
Bruno Zakardjian -

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