SICOMAR-PLUS Summer School
The University of Toulon and the MIO organized a summer school on maritime surveillance as part of the European Interreg Marittimo project "Sicomar-Plus", involving 16 institutional partners and 5 local authorities between France and Italy including the Southern Region.
This event took place from 26 to 28 May 2021 at the University of Toulon (campus of La Garde):
It is focused on the exploitation of oceanographic radars, one of the strong points of the University of Toulon and the MIO laboratory, which have developed the only French perennial observation network of the Mediterranean sea facade to date.
Despite the current difficult conditions and travel restrictions, we have met a great success of participation, with about twenty people physically present and about thirty "online". The summer school will be held in the Y amphitheater in a hybrid mode allowing physical and virtual presentations over two days. A visit to the main radar site (the Fort Peyras battery in La Seyne sur Mer) is planned for the third day. Two practical sessions have also been set up for the students. Health precautions (gauges and meals spread out in small groups outside) have been carefully taken into account.
Due to its technical nature and its international character, the conference was held in English, as agreed with our partners. A report of the conference will nevertheless be written in French and Italian, which are the languages of the consortium. The publicity of this event was ensured by the communication department, which has accompanied us since the beginning, as well as DIREP, in the preparation of this event.