IMPACT : Port economic development and environment
PI : Marcello Magaldi (CNR ISMAR)
Partners : CNR ISMAR (PI, It), LaMMA (It), CIBM (It), Tuscany Region (It), IFREMER (Fr), LECOB CNRS (Fr), University of Toulon (Fr)
Head of the University of Toulon : Yann Ourmieres (MIO)
Objectives of the project
- Understand how to reconcile the economic development of Mediterranean industrial ports with their proximity to marine protected areas.
- Understand the impact of port activity in terms of pollution on an adjacent marine protected area
- Consolidate environmental knowledge, develop monitoring methodologies
Selected workshop sites
- Bastia / Cap Corse Marine Park (site monitored by IFREMER)
- Rade de Toulon / Parc National de Port-Cros (site monitored by the University of Toulon)
- La Spezia / Cinque Terre (site monitored by CNR ISMAR)
- Livorno / Secche de la Melloria (site monitored by the LaMMA consortium)
Numerical and experimental strategy
- Numerical modeling :
- High resolution for the entire area to better understand the mass water exchanges between the 2 bays
- Very high resolution for the Toulon harbour to better simulate the 3D mixing of water masses and thus the transport of pollutants
- In-situ current measurement to complete / validate model simulations
- Deployment of geolocatable drifting buoys
- Deployment of ADCP (current meters)