SOLUTIONS: Lighting up with bioluminescent bacteria
On land or in the oceans, many living organisms emit their own light to communicate, protect themselves or feed themselves. This is called bioluminescence. Laurie Casalot (IRD), Christian Tamburini (CNRS) and Séverine Martini (CNRS), scientists at the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanology, have developed a kit to produce a natural source of light energy thanks to a marine bacterium. A solution of tomorrow, supported by the IRD's South-East regional delegation, to be discovered in a few clicks.
"SOLUTIONS", a series of media to highlight the projects supported by the Regional Innovation and Valorization Department (SRIV) of the IRD's South-East regional delegation.
These materials highlight the projects conducted by IRD scientists, in partnership with Southern countries and in collaboration with private actors, to co-construct innovative solutions to serve populations in the South and meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)