UTLN: Call for Guest Researchers 2021
The 2021 call for applications for visiting researchers is open. Here is some information about the procedure:
Applications can come from a laboratory, a thematic pole or a component,
The duration of each stay is now limited to 7 days,
Thematic clusters are encouraged to submit 4 invitation requests each to initiate new collaborations related to the institution's strategic axes only. The objective is both to increase international openness with institutions for which no formalized cooperation has been set up to date, and to strengthen our identity in terms of research.
The 2020 invitations that could not take place due to the health crisis can be re-submitted in 2021, limiting the duration of the stay to 7 days,
Successful guests receive a daily allowance of €130,
Applications should take into account the following criteria:
Quality of the proposed visitor's scientific dossier,
Consistency with the laboratory's research project,
In case of renewal, effectiveness of the previous invitation,
Contribution of the proposed invitation to the lasting and structured international relations that the university wishes to foster,
Contribution in terms of the attractiveness of our courses and essentially of our masters: proposal for pedagogical intervention, in particular in foreign languages (possibly non-disciplinary intervention).
The file will be presented by the laboratory, the thematic pole or the component and will include the following documents:
Scientific assessment of the 2020 invitations if applicable,
Summary table of applications 2021 signed,
Minutes of the board that establishes the ranking,
Request for invitation signed by the referent for each guest with the project description,
Signed guest presentation,
Guest's CV of maximum 2 pages.
Complete applications must be either sent to projets@univ-tln.fr by Monday 16 November 2020 at the latest. The files will be presented to the Research Commission on Thursday 3 December 2020.