Visit to MIO of François Houllier, President of IFREMER and an IFREMER delegation
On Friday 26 June in the afternoon, an IFREMER delegation led by its CEO, François Houllier, visited the MIO.
The rich and fruitful discussions focused mainly on :
- Research Federation project between MIO and IFREMER
- CPER file
- EQUIPEX files
- scientific research collaboration between the two institutes.
The afternoon ended with a tour of our facilities.
On the picture (from left to right) : Christophe Brachpapa (Directeur du LERPAC- IFREMER), Wilfried Sanchez ( Directeur Scientifique Adjoint - IFREMER) , Vincent Rigaud (Directeur IFREMER- Méditeranée), Richard Sempéré, François Houiller (PDG IFREMER), Thomas Changeux, Sophie Chauvet (VP AMU), Valérie Michotey, Julien Touboul