The zooglider for the BioSWOT-Med campaign is at sea!
Thanks to an international collaboration between IMEDEA, SOCIB, SCRIPPS, LOCEAN and MIO, the zooglider was deployed and started to sample the water masses south of the Balearic Islands, waiting to be recovered during the BioSWOT-Med campaign.
The BioSWOT-Med campaign will deploy four gliders, among which one is a zooglider, an autonomous vehicle for optical and acoustic in situ measurements of mesozooplankton developed by the M.Ohman’s groups at the SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California.
The zooglider was successfully prepared and deployed from Palma de Mallorca thanks to an international collaboration between SOCIB, IMEDEA, SCRIPPS, LOCEAN and MIO. In particular, researchers from IMEDEA and SOCIB took care of the shipment of the instrument and welcomed the engineer colleague from SCRIPPS, helping in the preparation and the deployment at sea of the zooglider.
A big thank you to Albert Miralles, Nikolaos Zarokanellos, Benjamín Casas, Batipste Mourre and Ananda Pascual.
The BioSWOT-Med team is now finalizing the preparation of the R/V L’Atalante and hope to meet the FaStSWOT colleagues at sea soon for a great collaboration under the glance of the new SWOT satellite!
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